New User


Hi guys,
I'm new to this website and would like to pick your brains. Years ago (12) I had a saltwater tank. I know that ideas and equipment have changed since that time. I am interested in setting up a new tank soon. My brother has a 55 gal long that he is going to give me. He said that about 3-4 yrs ago when he had it set up he used copper to get rid of ick. Is this tank ok to use or should I invest in a new tank. He also has some deco coral that was in the tank at the time he used the copper - is it safe. I also would like to know what your ideas on what type or filter and size would be needed. I plan on buying a protein skimmer. And also need to know more about lighting. I will mostly put fish and anemones. Thanks for your help.


IMO- I would junk the tank or use it for some fresh water fish.
This is such an expensive hobby that you don't want to take the chance in investing in live rock and LS and all the time setting it up and then you find out that you still have copper in your tank.
Or you could purchace a copper test kit and see if there is any left in it cause that stuff gets in the silicone and everything.
Then if you are very interested then I would suggest a Wet/Dry filter most expensive but well worth it in the long run.
And IMO junk the coral displays you will just get haggled by everyone on this site when you post your pics. And by the way welcome the the site, you can learn alot from these guys.
Definitly invest in a skimmer.
And don't think you don't need Live rock even with just fish it helps out alot, and you will thank me sooner or later for telling you that, and Use Live Sand not crushed coral, if you want to know why do a search LS VS CC and you will find out.
I would also get a 10 gal QT tank cause you will not want to do what I did and have about 700 dollars in fish and stick one bad one in there and the next morning you wake up and they are all belly up. Get a QT tank.....
Lighting I'm not sure on still working with the one that came with the tank. But if you want anomees you will need a special light for them.
I hope I helped you get the start you were looking for and good luck, Its well worth it..


Thanks so much for the reply. I do plan on live rock and I have some crushed coral from my old tank from years ago but had planned on tossing it out. My friend has a tank and my plan is, when I am able to purchase everything, that I will steal some sand from her and use some of the water she cycles out to try to start my tank with. How does that sound?? And you think all I need is a wet/dry filter and a protein skimmer. What about power heads? I know I had them on my old tank.


Power heads would be a good idea but not right away more for reef to keep good water movement. Not saying you wouldn;t benifit with them.
Getting water from your friend is a good idea.
Let us know how things are going from time to time.