New UV System on 90 Reef Tank


I just hooked up a Turbo Twist 3X to my 90 reef tank. Everyone said I should use UV. What results am I going to see.


cynobacteria, aka red slime algae, is the result of excess nutrients and/or having your lights on too long. Eliminate the excess nutrients and the cyno should go away.


Active Member
It will marginally improve water quality and will do little if anything to combat ich. UV's have a very narrow window in which they are effective in comabatting/preventing/killing ich. Most are ineffective and do little to nothing...with the exception of slightly improving water condtions which can help porvide a better enviornment for your animals. is better spent on additional filtration such as a top of the line skimmer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ohiorn67
does anyone know if a UV will help keep out cyanobacteria?? red slime????
Will do little to nothing to assist with cyano/red slime. Check for nutrients in your water, lights that need changing or increase water flow.
Many causes for high nutrients in water/systems.....use of tap water, overfeeding, overcrowding, inadequate filtration, etc, etc.