New vid clips of tank...

jonny bolt

Made some new vid clips, got some great close-ups, especially of Rubble my Lionfish.
Here's the 3 that came out the best (granted I shoot em with my digi cam)...
The first is trying to get shots of all 5 fish...
The Gang (21.4 mb)
Same here, with a great shot of my Lion taking off like a missile going after some Krill...
The Gang Pt. 2 (25.9 mb)
This one is mostly my Lionfish, great closeups....
Rubble (25.8 mb)

jonny bolt

Thanks :) That thing is a fake coral LMAO. I made the rookie mistake of buying too much Tonga Branch (I was duped by pics of it), and not enough Fiji LR. I think the Fiji looks best, with some Tonga used as accent pieces for stuff like "rock bridges". My friend did this, and it looks great. So I will be moving up to a 72g bowfront tank, with about 400 watts of light, and a bunch of Fiji LR. So I wont need that fake coral in there anymore lol. But it seem to "fit" around the rock in that spot pretty good so I left it.
Crap, I realized I left the actinic lights off in the vids. Colors dont look as vivid with the actinic off. Oh well. I didnt get any shots of my Hermit Crab either, or the snails.
Atleast I finally got some good shots of the Lion lol :jumping: The fish were all horned up yesterday, they werent camera shy at all.


Active Member
cool fish and i think there's too much water movement cause it looks like they're having a hard time swimming

jonny bolt

LMAO. I dont know, I'm only running one Maxi-Jet 1200 in a 38. Only Rubble looks clumsy when up top and directly in tha spray....but I tought him how to attack, and he showed that by taking off like a Patriot missile straight into the current. He aint no bustah

Tormented, thats an Atlantic Pygmy Angel
Great fish, I'm glad I got it...very VERY active swimmer and far from a bore.
My LR setup sucks and/or blows, I admit it, but I did tha best with the Tonga Branch that I could. I cant wait to move up to the 72g bowfront and give the fish a better playground. Hopefully in the winter I can start that project, they deserve it
These 5 fish have treated my very well.

jonny bolt

Hi. Oh boy, I'd say he's almost a year I think. I bought him around the end of April this year I think, and he was pretty small when I got him. So I would guesstimate he's gotta be almost a year old.

jonny bolt

He's a Fuzzy Dwarf. I was lucky cuz he was weened pretty good when I got him, and within 2 weeks he was eating out of my hand, and he learned the daily feeding schedule really fast cuz I would feed him small amounts every day as opposed to a bunch of crap every 3 or 4 days. But right now he seems to be on a hunger strike, I think he is pissed at me. I taught him how to attack krill, and as you can in that one vid, I managed to get him to do it....he will move away from it when I put it in the water, and he will pretend to ignore it, then "stage" himself and once he turns around and sees it he will attack, but he missed it that time cuz he goes so fast now that he cant get his mouth open quick enough LOL. Anyways he hasnt been eatin alot the past week, so I gotta go down ta Pet City tomorrow and git some live brine shrimp. He likes to stalk those, pick 1, stalk it, and eat it, then repeat until he is full lol.
He's a good boy though, he doesnt bother any of the fish whatsoever. Doink, my clownfish, will even swim backwards into him when he gets in his "spot", and the Lion will eventually just move along. I think the Lion is a gentle giant, but he will attack freeze dried krill on command!

jonny bolt

Dec. 22nd was a sad day. I came home on lunch break, and looked over only to see my lionfish, Rubble, lying on his back on the sand in the corner of my tank. Shortly after I made the videos I posted above. Rubble stopped eating as much, then stopped eating completely. After doing water changes, check and re-checking water parameters, and trying to entice him with all sorts of different foods, I finally gave up. I was baffled. I had taught him how to follow and attack floating krill, and he learned the feeding schedule of my tank very fast, and he would always go up to the front-right hand corner to eat right out of my fingers. Only seems fitting thats where he fell...the right-bottom corner of the tank. I dont think he ate for a month, then the last few days he was alive, I noticed he wasnt "hanging out" upside down like he usually did, he was head-up, so I knew things were going to turn for the worse. Before that, he exhibited no other strange behaviour other than staying out of his "cave" more often than not. He loved his Batcave, but as his hunger strike went on, he could be seen hanging out upside down in 2 or 3 different spots in front of the rocks. I will never understand how such a good fish, who was almost obedient, could just get into that mode of not eating. But thats nature. Anways.....
R.I.P., Rubble...