new volitan lion


Active Member
this is my newest addition.he was a trade in at the LFS id love to find out what that guy fed this fish his colors are so bold.


nice looking lion. i got a lion a couple weeks ago. his body is red and as you go further out on the tips of his side fins they turn orange as well. it weird. i havent seen it ever before. now you show yours and its all orange. very very cool.


Active Member
thanx evils.I odered him some black mollies as feeders and some marine fish hate to see him lose that beauty.i also have a saller one about 3-4 inches but that coloring just isnt in him yet


Just feed him like fresh seafood, dont feed him mollies man. its a beautiful fish. Try like scallops and shrimp and crab meat and squidd. Soak it in garlic and vitamins and such,a ndhell do super. Maybe hes a hybrid? lol//


Active Member
no woories the mollies are just for snacks i wil place a few in after acclimating them to salt if he eats them i will replace them if he doesnt ill have a lot of mollies lol.I have plenty of tank space to cover them.hes a real good eater now no stick feeding but he does like his food moving a bit


i have only got my lion to eat silversides. at the lfs they said they were feeding him store bought shrimp. i cant get him to go for it. my eel and trigger tears up the shrimp though. my lion will only eat the silversides if they are moving also. makes it fun at feeding time though.
im gonna get some pics of my tank and my lion. i have a small cyno problem right now. once i get rid of it i will post. so keep a look out.


My lion eats ghost shrimp as treats and regularly silversides and krill. I thought mollies were a freshwater fish, even though they can live in brackish and full salt systems. My concern is that the lion may not be able to handle the fatty content of mollies, as lion's livers cannot accomodate large fat content. IMO, I would start with ghost shrimp and wean over to frozen. There are a ton of threads on ideas on how to accomplish this. Just use the search feature on the message board. BTW, great looking fish!!!!!


Active Member
accually I got the information of mollies as feeder fish by a marine fish specialist site becuase of its natural brackish habitat it can be acclimated to fresh or salt yes.but brackish water connects to the ocean there for the diet they consume is closer than would be for a fresh water fish.hense nutritional value of a mollie would be greater than say a dead fish or fish parts.the molly is not inteded as a main diet this fish seems to still have some hunting instints about Im trying to give him the most variaty of foods that i can.I havent measured him but hes a big fish with a huge i said if he eats them ok but if not no biggie.but after alot of research I have found that carnivores live healther tank lives if they are given some live foods.most lion fish die of starvation or malnutrition im going to do everything in my power to see this does not happen to my fish.but i do appreciate your concern.he eats frozen food now very well I give him squid, shrimp, krill and scallops.


well my cleaner crew is mainly me for now. im gonna order some snails and hermits from here soon. i know they will eventually pick them off but its worth replacing a few crabs every so often.


Active Member
ok this painted a very interesting mental picture:
evilss(well my cleaner crew is mainly me for now.)

I can just see you with your head in the tank sucking on the glass eating alge .

im sorry I couldnt resist:D


well i got to eat right. it is a 135 and i can barley fit in but it works. the lion keeps stingin me though for some reason. lol.
i just clean the sand and the glass with a magfloat. not to much work. everything else stays in good condition.


Active Member
well i done it again lol had to go back to LFS to get a hood a light for the feeder tank and my 120 came in so of course had to get hoods for it too lol now wheer to put that darned thing is beyond me lol.ill figure that out later i supose.but none the less i have had my eye on a spotted lepard grouper for about 2 months now i took his lion figgured he missed him so i braught him back home with me soon as i get my camera batteries charged up again ill post some more of the tank,i think this tank is full no more fish for it.oh yeh i got my mollies today i placed 5 in the tank to see if the lion would eat them .they lasted about 2 min lol so much for aclimating them for salt eh:happyfish