New Volitan Lionfish


I just got my first Volitan Lion and I feed it a little guppy and it swallowed it right up..what and how often should I be feed this fish along with my panther grouper?


be carefull with freshwater guppies... they are known to cause internal problems in all saltwater fish. just a thought to look out for


U should be feeding him a lot, fill up his belly everyday. Fresh water guppies dont have the sufficient nutrients for a lion to trhive on. Frozen foods are a natural food source, with the vitamins and nutrients needed to keep yer lion healthy and happy. The best foods are a combinations of silversides, shrimps, krills, prawn and maybe fresh chopped seafood, like squidd or fish. It is easy to get a volitan to eat frozen food, you just gotta wiggle the food at the surface to make em think its alive, then drop it in the tank. soon, theyll snatch anything that looks like food. Volitans are great fish. Any more questions and u can email me


Gotcha..I feed him last night..I tried to feed him silversides or Mylses luck, so I feed him a feeder guppie..It seems thats all he'll eat for now. Great fish though..amazing how he sucks in the fast guppie.


Good news..the lion fish ate some frozen silver sides...I wiggled the fish on the top of the water and it grabbed it.


This is true, but u dont feed them THAT much, just feed em wat u think is enough everyday, cuz growing juveniles need more food than wen adults. They can be glutenous, but an owner can figure out wat is enough and wat is too much. Just like kids. They need more food than wen grown up, they should have full meals, not meager meals once a day. Its not bad advice, Ive heard it many other places. Wen u see a bulge in their belly, then theyre good.


They should be fed every day, they love shrimp to. In the wild they will eat 5-7 small crustaceans a night. Younger lions need more food than adults as well because of their extremely rapid growth rate. If you feed him properly expect to have a full grown 15 incher within 18 months.


New Member
Just curious but is it possible to have a lion fish in my tank with my niger trigger, jawfish, royal gramma, psykedelic mandarian goby ( dragonet), a yellow tank, kole tang, halfback angel, two clownfish, a haitian anenome, a purple sebae anenome, and a horse shoe crab. if they can thrive and not eat my gramma, and dragonet i wil probaly get one but i have to be sure whether it will eat them or not.


Is this going in that 37 gallon? If so then you are already overloaded on fish and am surprised the tank hasnt died or at least been covered in hair algae. If this is for a much much bigger tank then some on your list will be ok. When the lion gets bigger assuming you mean a Volitans, (which needs at least a 100gallon or larger) the clowns, jawfish and gramma are toast or shortly will be. I had an antenatta and a small (bite sized) dragonet in a 65 alone together and the dragonet was not messed with, presumebly because of the toxic slime coat.
If you have all those fish in a 37 though, the Niger, and both tangs are too large of fish for it, the rest would be ok in a 37, butI am sure there are many people who would say thats too lenient. bare minimum for either tang is 55 gal.


New Member
but if another fish rubbes up against the dragonet wont it die becuase my moms royal gramma is rubbing up against him and sitting on him but he can get away but chooses not too


WAT??? WTH are u talking about?? A fish rubbing up against another fish? That obviously means that the fish is sick. Actually, mandarins usually might let a fish do that, or maybe they are lovers?
Yer tank is way overcrowded anyway, maybe thats y.


Your Gramma would have to eat the dragonet to be affected. And just to re-emphasize it, that tank is massively overcrowded and you should start bringing the bigger fish I meantioned in my earlier post back to the store.



Originally posted by Harlequin
Your Gramma would have to eat the dragonet to be affected. And just to re-emphasize it, that tank is massively overcrowded and you should start bringing the bigger fish I meantioned in my earlier post back to the store.

Yea dont be ignorant and let yer fish die, save their lives for heavens sake.


New Member
9 fish and 3 inverts and they all have their own places to hide and sleep and they are all eating and thriving and i suppose you all are going to say that a clown fish, a niger, and a halfback angel riding the bubble curtains we have as going to die well you are wrong they have been doing it since we got them and the tank has been up for about 6 months now. oh before i forget how about a 55 gallon tank and a bursa trigger two pajama cardinals two blennies a diamond watchman goby a yellow tang 2 tomato clowns 2 percs four anenome's 2 haitan and two carpet and a horshoe is to many then my freind is like according to all of you.


hiding and sleeping. Its swim space, those tangs need at least a 55 to have barely enough room to swim. They enjoy being able to do quick bursts of speed which they cannot do in such small tanks. The halfblack and clowns are ok. There is such a thing as animal cruelty and keeping them in this cramped conditions is a good example of that. 9 fish is way too much for a 37, the rule of thumb in salt water is one inch of full grown fish per 5 gallons, per 4 gallons after the tank is well established.


Yea, yer friends 55 is way overcrowded buddy. Im surprised u havent had any death. I bet yer lying. Uve only had it up for like a month, not 6 months. There is no way that u have had THAT set up with THAT many fish in such a small tank, and not had ANY deaths, or serious algae problems, or bad water levels, and there is no way that yer mandarin has been in there for over a month, cuz there isnt enough live rock to provide food for it, with all the fish swimming around. Just tell the truth. Itll save u alot of problems on yer part if u just solve the problems at hand. But then again, dont listen. Just keep yer fish all cramped in a small box awaiting their future untimely deaths. Thats a GREAT way to be in the haooby. Forget about the FISH, lets just care about how MANY we have in the tank, and how COOL they look.


Try to wean your lion off of the guppies soon. Start getting him to eat frozen foods because the guppies don't supply the lion with enough vitamins. And for the panther grouper, I feed mine once a day all though the books say feed them 2-3 times a week. I had mine since he was 2 inches. Now he is 10.4 inches long. Grouper has been in my tank almost 2 years now.


Try to wean your lion off of the guppies soon. Start getting him to eat frozen foods because the guppies don't supply the lion with enough vitamins. And for the panther grouper, I feed mine once a day all though the books say feed them 2-3 times a week. I had mine since he was 2 inches. Now he is 10.4 inches long. Grouper has been in my tank almost 2 years now.