Hello you have to make sure that your return pump is the same or smaller flow as the return in gph (gallons per hour) then you must set the internal box at the level you want the water to be at in the tank. Easiest way to do that is set your height on over flow and with sump empty start adding water to tank and see where it fills up to then, adj. up or down at the level you want. Then fill the sump just enough to submerge the pump. Turn on the pump and see if the return keeps up. Dont know what kind of overflow you have
maybe tubes or maybe a CRP style if the later you really need a small suction pump to go with it, cant remember what their called but really cheap under 10 bucks. If your pump is too strong you man have to put in a diverter which is just a Tee and a valve cut into the return line to let some of the water flow back into the sump. Also make sure that there are no air bubbles in overflow itself or this will kill the syphon also!!! Good luck and if you still have problems You can PM me or just post again!! Club has very many helpful members, and very good advice on just about anything you ask just takes a little time