here's the jist of it...
These videos are made by people who are very good at persuading you to believe what they believe. With that being said, there are also many organizations around the world that convene in secret to discuss many things. However if any of these groups believe that they could enslave almost 7 billion people across this big blue sphere they are very wrong. While some of these claims could be true, the vast majority of them are just over exaggerated speculations about what all of these groups want and what they are willing to do to get what they want. Now i saw that some people were talking about cap and trade and i will also give you a little incite on the 1201 page cap and trade bill (A bill that congress had 1 hour to read after it was finalized before voting on it!!!! Obama sure as hell lied about allowing a full week before any finalized bill was voted on in either the house of senate) that was passed in the house a few months ago. If this bill is to pass the senate, it will be the beginning of the end as we know it. What it says is that the Government will give businesses a quota on how many "carbon credits" (basically how much pollution) they will be allowed to produce. Now if the company goes over this quota they will have to pay fines, but if another company doesn't use up all of their "carbon credits", they will be allowed to sell them to the company that went over their quota for however much they want. What this will do its raise the taxes of all the business's located inside of the US Borders, hence raising the prices of everything they produce ex. bread, bottled water, cars, Literally EVERYTHING. And on top of that, this bill also plans to tax the everyday citizen much more if your house is not up to government "green standards". Now what will these government green standards be you ask. Here it comes......... NO ONE KNOWS! All the bill said is that the government will create this whole new office and this office will send people out to your house to inspect it and make sure you are "green" enough. If not up to the government standard you will be taxed more and fined. So all in all this bill, while has good intentions, is going about putting them into effect the wrong way.
And while im on Global Warming, let me say this. We humans dont know for certain what we are doing right now is effecting the planet as much as al-gore, the global warming nuts, and man-bear-pig want you to think. WE have been around and recording history for less than a blink of an eye on the whole time line of earths history. That being said how do we know all the factors that come into play when it has to do with our climate. We need to remember that the earth is not a closed ecosystem, we are floating in space, and there we are vulnerable to all sorts of crazy phenomenon that we have not had experience with to be experts on. Also the Earth is a very versatile planet able to adapt to many different climates. More than once our planet has been one giant ocean, one giant snowball, and one giant ball of lava, it has also had cataclysmic disasters that released more "greenhouse gasses" into the atmosphere in one event than man could do in 1000 years, (i.e. the super volcano under Yellowstone erupting and spewing ash, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide ect. over 700 miles up into our atmosphere, or more recently "The 1991 eruption of Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines was one of the largest in the past 100 years. The injection into the stratosphere of 14-26 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide led to a global surface cooling of 0.5°C a year after the eruption. The climatic impact of the Pinatubo aerosol was stronger than the warming effects of either El Niño or human-induced greenhouse gas changes during 1991-93."
That being said, while what we are doing right now most likely isnt helping any of the problems, how do we know what damage we are actually doing to this planet without all of the facts?