New YM goby


Active Member
i just got a yellow watchman goby tonite but theres one problem, i had done a little reasherch about them before i bought it, but now im reading i this site that they are jumpers??? has any one ever had one of these junm out of their tank??


I've had one for over a year. At first, he hung out a lot near the top of the tank, which made me very nervous that he'd jump some day. Then I paired him with a pistol shrimp, and ever since he stays at the bottom with his buddy :joy:


pretty much all gobies are jumpers. just try to cover holes.


Maybe mine is unique but, My Yellow Watchman Goby never leaves the bottom. He found a cave that he claimed and he never leaves the bottom. I rarely ever see him swimming without his belly dragging the sand.


Active Member
I've had mine for three years with no problems, but I paired him with a pistol shrimp. I highly recommend doing this as it keeps both the shrimp and the gobie calm, plus it is cool as hell to watch!


Active Member
really?? what to they do?? have u ever heard the pistol do the clicking thing, and if so , how loud was it?


i kept one in my 20 long qt tank for a year, and i always left the front part of the lid open. he never came close to jumping.


Active Member
Yep, my pistol clicks all of the time, usually while hunting bristle worms that he and the goby share as a meal. They are never far from each other and both have more than tripled in size since being paired together. The clicking can be quite loud and it is very cool to watch him snap his claw. When my clown or blennie get near his area, you can see the goby wag his tail and sure enough the pistol begins snapping in response. The shrimp does not have good eye sight so he relies on the goby to watch for danger.


Active Member
I highly recommend a pistol shrimp for your goby. It is one of the coolest things I've seen in reef keeping. It's just fascinating watching the two interact.
Also, my goby rarely leaves the substrate as well, but he has a shrimp to pair with. Before that, he swam a little more, but never appeared to be a threat to jump.


i never had a problem with mine either, mine just stays around the bottom in a lil cave in the live rock. occasionally he swims around the tank but not anywhere near the top.


Will a pistol shrimp (paired with a YWG) be able to coexist with a coral banded shrimp?
Tank is a 92 gallon corner with about 100 lbs of live rock.


Active Member
I wouldn't recommend a coral banded for any tank. My own personal experience is that they are agressive and will not shy away from grabbing a fish or an invert for a meal. I don't take chances; if something has an even remote possibility of causing a problem then I don't get it. I would recommend getting rid of the CBS and going with something like a skunk cleaner, fire shrimp, sexy shrimp, something which is nice and calm.


Sorry - didn't mean to hijack this thread. My CBS seems to be all bark and no bite. He has not hurt any of the fish or other inverts. I was curious about the Pistol Shrimp. Do they just hang out in their own little spot all the time or do they cruise the tank at night like the CBS? My concern was if they are both out looking for food in the dark, it might result in a fight.