New Zenias Thriving Great!! Whew!! Question Please On Feeding


not sure what to feed these guys, I have been reading conflicting posts and my lfs says liquid plankton....etc....would like some suggestions. Oh, and dosing iodine? necessary? It is my first coral....


I put plankton in my tank just to easy my fears that I'll starve something. I've got feather dusters in there and I'm afraid there's some in the back or under the coral that I might see.
As for the iodine. Don't put it in unless you test for it. Regular water changes should take care of your iodine.


Active Member
It has been proven in many scientific journals that iodine is both beneficial and necessary for pulsing xenia. Like others have said though, make sure you get a test kit for iodine. Your skimmer will remove the iodine almost as fast as you add it, so devising a way to add it over time would be the best way.


Active Member
I think I would go from BangGuys advice since Im sure he probly owns or has owned them before in the past "back in the day" thats my catch frase lol.

bang guy


Originally posted by mudplayerx
It has been proven in many scientific journals that iodine is both beneficial and necessary for pulsing xenia.

Well, actually, I don't believe it has. Can you show me where? Can you also show me how adding Iodine to the water gets it into the Xenia even if it was beneficial? Can you also show me a reef hobiest's tank that is actually low in Iodine?


Active Member
That is a few of them! How many do you have??? Im gonna have to come and bring something to swipe some frags from you lol! :D