Bronco- Just got odered some more paly's. Lunar eclipse!!! My custom 10 gal acrylic is going to kick some serious bootay!! So far stock list is going to be mostly zoo's. I cant seem to get my hands on rics locally and shipping is crazy for some of them, like 25.00 for a polyp and 35.00 shipping
So until I can get them locally or swing some trades, the rics are going to have to wait.
Great looking frags btw. Hopefully we can get something going later.
Originally Posted by richarl5
Awesome frags! I want to go to my LFS soo bad but I'm afraid I'll buy more than I should, lol.
Me too! Somehow I was able to say NO to some blue/silver zoos at my LFS last night...
Originally Posted by Bronco300
thanks, i paid $10 per frag and a flat shipping of $21, too me that is pretty amazing
Cheap beautiful frags shipped in urine specimens cups.... Can only come from one place...............
thanks tiberius---i have the Kodak DX 7590...i didnt use a tripod or flash on that one, some pics i will use a tripod though, just depends.
worsh--not allowed to post links, sorry