New Zoo's


Ok I just picked up some red and green Zoo's 2 days ago. They came out of a big tank 50 gal+ with a 400W 20K MH about 3 feet above it, on a panning motor that moved it from left to right over the course of about 40 secconds on each pass. I now have them in my 5 gal bow front, with 20W PC 50/50 about 6-8 inches above them. They wont open up all the way, and half of the colony wont open at all. Is this normal for new zoo'? Or do they need more lighting? I'm dosing .5ML of calcium, and stro/moly every 4 days, with .5ml of iodine every week. I was told that will keep the levels "perfect, or damn near it". Thanks guys, pics coming later.


;) I couldnt think of what to name him, so I went with his Latin name Of Fridmani. No one coudl pronounce it, so it changed to Friedman. I guess what was the guys name that discovered them, cause Iv'e seen em called Friedman's Dottyback before too.


Naa I like em. They seem to be opening more and more everyday now. So I think they just got pissed off with the change of lighting.