New Zoo's


Active Member
thats nice!!!
how much did that rock cost u?? (im starting to buy corals and would like to know price ranges ..and if im getting a decent deal at the lfs )


Can I tell my dad I got a deal on them for $30? : ) That's the problem with having two reefers in the same house- too much competition!


Active Member
Well the problem is the first picture is too far away and the second picture is too fuzzy. So to evaluate them fully I would appreciate if you would send them to me so that I can bet a proper look at that rock. I will send it back with most of the zoos still on the rock.
In other words, I am officially jealous.


Active Member
Those zoos are beautiful! Just one word of advice for you - make sure that colt doesn't extend over them and provide so much shade that they don't want to come out anymore. I recently found out that is why my zoos were being shy.


Active Member
How big is that hermit behind the zoos in the first picture? I just noticed him! He doesn't eat your livestock, does he?


That hermit is a pain in the $)(*-#)(!!!!! He is at least an inch and a half- maybe bigger. He enjoys a snail or two every now and then. I try to keep him well fed, so that helps with the snail issue. He does such a great job keeping my tank clean that I hate to get rid of him. The biggest issue I have with him is knocking over my frags. Fixed that by using the "plastic cup" method. He's been through FOUR different tank cyclings and lived, so I think he's earned his place.
As far as the colt, the picture doesn't show the depth of my tank. There is quite a bit of distance between the colt and zoo's, so I"m not too worried. I will keep in eye on it though!! Thanks for the advice.