New Zoos


Active Member
THOSE ARE THE COOLEST ZOOS I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! when you frag em, pm me or something i will pay top dollar for those puppies!


Don't want top dollar I would much rather trade corals any day than sell coral. Got anything I don't already have?


Active Member
i got some of these but you may already have em

i would trade 3-1 with you cause i have lots of these and those are amazing. this is the only thing i can see in the pic that you may not have, that tank is loaded


Very Awesome Tank. How does your flame angel do with all your corals?


So how does this thermos trade thing work? I have traded lots of coral at our local reef club and brought lots into to the lfs but never did anything through the mail. In fact the zoos I started off this post with where an even trade for some coral I brought in to my lfs.
I would like to get started trading but would only feel safe doing so with reputable people who are familiar names on these boards like murph etc. Also I probably wouldn't want to go too far away from home either like I would have to stick to the west coast. I have lots of coral already fragged or a dremmel and cutters ready to go.
I have tons of different zoos, orange or purple digitata, hydnaphora, green capricornis, purple encrusting montipora, blue mushrooms, green hairy mushrooms etc. I also have some small acro frags that i dont have id's on yet.
I'm really into colorful ricordia right now but so far have only collected an orange and blue one and a bright green one. Looking for more.
If I post pics of the frags I will have to do so in the trading forum. Some of these corals are fragged some of them would need to be fragged. Not sure if there is any interest out there.


The tank is 6'. I actually gave all my different varieties of GSP to my son because I read it doesn't play nice with sps and I want to start to get away from the softies and get more sps.


why don't gsp and sps go together? mine seem fine.. just grow to fast.