New zoos


Active Member
I got some zoos this weekend and i need to know how to care for them, I have a 30 gal long tank with 192 watts of pc. I have never got an exact answer on this so i will ask agian, exactly what supplements do i need to get and what do i need to feed it? I am feeding it roti-rich right now


Active Member
Place them as high up in your tank as you can- moderate to high flow- they do not need any other food-
You shouldnt have bought them if you knew nothing about them;)


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
they do not need any other food-

I've always found feeding them to make them multiply faster...maybe it's just me..


Active Member
I do nkow something about them and the guy at the lfs feeds his phyto so thats what iam going to do. So no supplements?


I think he means no meaty foods and other than maintaining calcium, alk and pH levels and phytoplankton, proper lighting should be sufficient.


Active Member
Nas19320: Direct feed them and you will see how they react to the food. Mine have been multiplying much faster with feeding then without.


I agree that target feeding them meaty foods will increase their growth rate but, IME, it is very difficult and time consuming to do so.


Nas19320, save your time and concentrate on your other corals. I used to fed mine live brine. At first it was cool because the zoo would close up around it but after a while it was just too hard. Regardless of how much I fed my fish once I started squirting the food around the zoos it was a feeding frenzy for my fish all over again.


Active Member
every zoanthid i have is 100% non responsive to food- i have tried them all but they all still grow fast regardless


Hey J21kickster,
I have never tried to feed the nice colorful ones but when I found some hitch hiker brown button polyps on a leather I bought I had success feeding them brine shrimp. Only fed them a couple of times and figure it was too much of a hassle.


Dude, please dont take this as an assault on you personally buit use it in the future to help you. There is way too much information out there regarding corals and what they need to ever buy one without first knowing something about them. before you buy more coral, research them and get acquainted with their needs . Theyll do much better if you know how to take care of them first!.