NewB Pictures


Nice pictures.........but ive already told you that somewhere else:D
The tank is coming along nicely! Great job Spike......erm I mean Goby;)


Hey Goby, you find out what kind yet? Out of curiosity I have been looking, but have come up with nothing. Kind of a challenge thing.


The one in the 10G. is a Frillfin goby (Bathygobius sorporator).
The ID came from James L. Van Tassell PhD a biologist from Hofstra I contacted from GOBIIDAE.COM. The Frillfin is native to Bermuda, North Carolina to Florida, Bahamas, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, including Antilles. Also Brazil and east Atlantic.
The other one in my 20G is still unidentified. Both are not native reef dwellers but are adapting quite well and are reef safe.
Thanks for taking the time to feed your curiosity.
Frillfin goby


I was kind of jealous here. Not a lot of coastal area here near Chicago. I lived in Ft Rucker. Al when I was in the army. I often went down to Panama City in the more remote areas and walked through the shallows to scope for anything I could find. Its not near as nice compared to by you. Wish I could do that again. Oh well, at least I have my tank. Let me know when you catch something else. maybe I can mis-identify it again.


Will do.
Below is a starfish I collected yesterday.
Are these ok to have in a reef tank?
What does it eat in the aquarium?
I figured I would check it out for awhile.
I also collected some very small fish that are silver with bright blue fins on the bottom. These fish do not grow more than an inch and are schooling. I think they are pretty neat. They are also algae grazers. I put 3 in my tank and they stick with each other and have a neat little character about them.
I guess I should call my tank a tidal reef.
BTW I am originally from Green Bay
Go Pack!!!


My 6-line is very peaceful but curious. Mine will occasionally go after small shrimp that are under and inch though. A great reef fish IMO.