newb questions



if i was to use instant ocean reef crystals, would that give me a PH of 8.3ish and correct calcium, also lets say i was to have zoos, shrooms, and SPS corals, what would i need to feed them, how do i do this spot feeding and with what, and would i need to add any trace elements or would instant ocean aquarium salt give me the correct trace elements like calcium and iodine??? Also i would be doing .5 Gallon water changes every day on this 12G nano. Sorry for all these questions, im just a 14 year old salt water newb


Originally Posted by autofreak44
hehe sounds like me... exactly like me! i think i have a clone... :thinking:
hahaha we will find out


Active Member
1/2 gallon per day is a very heavy water change frequency. It will certainly help maintain your pH, trace elements, and calcium, but how heavily you load your tank is going to be what determines how well it does.
Bottom line, you are going to need to run your test kits and make sure everything stays in check. Your trace elements should be fine with this water change frequency and pH, but the calcium is going to be dependent on how much your corals require.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MetalHead
if i was to use instant ocean reef crystals, would that give me a PH of 8.3ish and correct calcium, also lets say i was to have zoos, shrooms, and SPS corals, what would i need to feed them, how do i do this spot feeding and with what, and would i need to add any trace elements or would instant ocean aquarium salt give me the correct trace elements like calcium and iodine??? Also i would be doing .5 Gallon water changes every day on this 12G nano. Sorry for all these questions, im just a 14 year old salt water newb
IMO you will never have to add iodine. You may need to add calcium, it depends on how much is being consumed. Consumption of course can be determined with test kits. For me personally, I never add any supplements to my tank. I just do weekly water changes.
Zoos and shrooms wont need anything other than decent light such as power compacts. I dont know personally too much about SPS but I know they need intense light, and high flow.
In regards to the 12 gallon tank. You wont do daily water changes at all. You will simply need to add fresh water to replace what has evaporated. The water evaporates. The salt does not.
Welcome Aboard!!!


Active Member
IMO most sps corals are not going to do to well in a 12g nano... lighting, water quality & water stability could all be an issue. The zoos and shrooms should do fine... no need to spot feed them though. Water changing should keep everything in line but testing is the only way to tell for sure. Make sure you are mixing, aerating and heating the water for 24-48 hours before doing the water change...
Also... start researching the corals you have and the ones you plan to get so you will know what they need to thrive.


Originally Posted by SCSInet
1/2 gallon per day is a very heavy water change frequency. It will certainly help maintain your pH, trace elements, and calcium, but how heavily you load your tank is going to be what determines how well it does.
Bottom line, you are going to need to run your test kits and make sure everything stays in check. Your trace elements should be fine with this water change frequency and pH, but the calcium is going to be dependent on how much your corals require.
well i plan on having 3 fish, so i will have a very high bioload, i also plan on having a good set of inverts to


Active Member
Dang dude... for someone who openly admits to being a newb, you sure are laying out some challenges for yourself!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MetalHead
well i plan on having 3 fish, so i will have a very high bioload, i also plan on having a good set of inverts to
es no bueno... what fish?


Originally Posted by SCSInet
Dang dude... for someone who openly admits to being a newb, you sure are laying out some challenges for yourself!

haha, i like a challenge


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
es no bueno... what fish?
mabie a pair of perc clownfish, and mabie a yellow watchman goby
a clownfish and a yellowwatchman goby and a fire goby
Or a clownfish, a royal gramma and a yellow watchman goby


Active Member
You might want to post on the nano forum and get some more advice, but I think you are heading towards disaster.
12 gallons of water can fluctuate greatly. A power outage of any length of time for instance couple wipe out the tank. Stressing it with a heavy bioload greatly enhances that danger.