newbe and need advice


New Member
I just purchased a 90 gallon reef tank today
. I am now in the market for a wet dry filter. My research has me looking at several places for all the parts and systems al at different cost. I see that some have a complete system with the wet/dry filter, balls, p. skimmer, and pre filters with pumps. What has worked well for a 90 gallon tank which will keep it stable and clean. I am trying not to buy things that won't do the job and have to spend more to get the right equipment. The point I am at to recap this is a tank and stand.


I don't know much about wet/dry's but I have heard many reports of leaking problems and there are loads of people in the hobby who don't use them at all. The only reason I bring this up is that if money is no object no big deal, but if it is then there are other more important areas that are expensive like lighting, the correct amount of Live rock and powerheads that should probably be considered before a filter. Again, If you allready have these things or arent tight in the checkbook then disreguard :)
what kind of tank are you planning on setting up? choices like that definitely have an impact on what type of filter your using. Pro's of wet/dry are :eek:xidation, and the possibility of a refugium as an addon


I have a w/d system right now and IMO is okay. It will get the job done, but the issue is to what extent? So I am having to spend money to build my own sump here next week, so as Jstd said if money is not much of an object or you want to go the extra mile now vs. later I would consider building a sump or purchasing a prebilt one.
Also as star said the type of tank you are planning to keep will also effect the level of filtration you will want..
My .02
Oh and WELCOME to the boards, great place for knowledge.


Active Member
I would personally run a sump with a skimmer in it and a section for a refugium. I run these and really like them. It's a good place to hide a skimmer and heaters, adds extra water volume, a place to add an auto topoff and macro algae for nutrient export.
That's my .02 though.


New Member
I plan for fish and live rocks only. All the holes is predrilled and ready. I was looking into a wet dry with skimmer and prefilter


New Member
i was reading about not needing a wet/dry system and all that. I looks like a bucket with lights. The water runs over the screen and turf algea takes care of it the N and P of the tank.