

New Member
Hi all. From what I'v seen in the message boards people seem realy willing to help. I was given a 45 gallon tank that I would like to build a reef in. Being new to this I'm not sure where to start. What kind of filter does everyone recomend Iwas reading about a mud system and what other things might I need to start. Also how much live sand and rock will be needed. In advance I'd like to thank everyone for there help.

sea goblin

OK, sounds like you have a lot of learning yet to go. Thats ok, most are gonna recomend to get a few books to read. For filter there are a lot to choose from. Some people only use a skimmer and the live rock and live sand in the aquarium to filter with. Others will use the fluval systems...those are just a few of the options, pros and cons to each. live rock will be for a reaf around 1 to 1.5 pounds per gallon of water. Sand should be enuf to creat atleast a 4 inch deep sand bed. in a 45 gallon thats gonna be something like 60 or 70 pounds of sand i think, maybe a litle more. Hopefuly some more people will chime in here, as you stated many do like to help.
Sea Goblin


Welcome, for quick answers you can do a search otherwise just post and someone will be quick to answer.


just some advice, before you start anything, find out all you can. Tahts the only thing i regreat about starting my tank. I whish i would have researshed more cause then i woujld have more live rock and a dsb.


First of all, don't act in haste. If I may suggest mine and many others actions, follow these new posts as well as diving into previous posts by clicking at the bottom of the screen. Also, this site has a search feature where one can enter a word or phraese and...presto, as much reading as you can handle. Just take your time and all good things will come to you!!!


first off welcome to the board :) second, a really good book that u should get is THE CONSCIENTIOUS MARINE AQUARIST by fenner. it has alot of good stuff for u to read. as for how much? i have a 46 gallon bow and have65 lbs of LS/SD and i have about 55 lbs of lr as of now but and slowly putting more in. have fun with your tank :)