Newbee to reef


Hey guys I am trying to get my tank into a nice reef. I have had it for about 7 months now with fish only and I added my first coral a month ago (galexia) and it has been doing fine, so I added more rock yesterday and 2 more corals. any suggestions on what to do next. Do you generally let time pass between adding corals or is it better to add them at the same time (I don't want to overload the system). I also have a BTA (can't be seen in the pics, it's in the back of the tank). Any advice would be appreciated.


Also I have all my LR and the corals lying in position, I did buy glue yesterday also but I am skeptical about putting glue in my tank. Do you guys recommend using glue or try wedging your stuff together?


Wedge. Just make sure its stable.
If you glue, youre stuck with the formation (no pun intended). It will make it harder to rearrange if you decide to get more rock. It will also make it hard if you have a fish/critter you need to remove from the tank. Especially if it likes to hide a lot.
If you do, I'd only do a couple rocks together for stability. Dont glue them all together.


Thank you.....
One more glue question...If I want to add mushrooms to my LR do I place them and wait for them to attach or can I glue them?


You can do both. If you just place them you need to find some sort of method to keeping them stationary until they attach, though. Otherwise they will blow around in the current. A popular method is using "wedding veil" or some sort of open mesh stuff to hold it down (its least obstructing for light and water flow). You could also "sew" it down. Yes, needle and thread and tie it to a rock. Do a search on propagating mushrooms and you can find all kinds of methods on reattaching pieces.