newbie 125gal filtration set up???


New Member
ok cool. now since this is a fowlr setup will it need a uv sterelizer? also any other thin i may need besides a heater? i have a testing kit already. any recomendations on certain salt also a good ro/di system that isnt to expensive but will work?
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/389097/newbie-125gal-filtration-set-up#post_3436681
I wouldn't run any filtration media in them at all, but most canisters require some filter media in it to keep the pump from clogging or the output from clogging. Also, they are really easy to make small errors with - such as not closing off the ball valves and having them siphon water onto the floor when your cleaning. (happened a few times to me) They are also much messier to clean than a HOB filter, IME. Plus, HOB filters such as the Emperor 400s have chemical media baskets which are really easy to access and change when needed - instead of a canister filter which requires the whole thing to be turned off, a towel to be laid down, the ball valves closed, the lid taken off and gone to the sink etc. etc. water everywhere... just a lot of hassle - and you know it is so you avoid doing it as much/often as you should.
I liked your skimmer choice. :D


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by b20forlife http:///t/389097/newbie-125gal-filtration-set-up/20#post_3436691
ok cool. now since this is a fowlr setup will it need a uv sterelizer? also any other thin i may need besides a heater? i have a testing kit already. any recomendations on certain salt also a good ro/di system that isnt to expensive but will work?
Not many saltwater aquariums need UV sterilizers. There are two main reasons to have a UV sterilizer: greenwater and water borne pathogens. If you are concerned about either of them, then get it. But, it might be worth quarantining your fish before adding them into your display tank to avoid having to treat the disease in your display tank. A heater is good to have, in any case. API test kits for ammonia and pH are fine. Instant Ocean salt is fine for a fish only tank, and is also relatively inexpensive. Any RO unit is good, as long as you get one and learn how to use your TDS meter.