Newbie algae query


Hi Everyone.
I am very new to this hobby and this forum. I luckily just stumbled on it a few minutes ago. I just recently purchased a 125 gal setup and just brought home a few damsels today. (i know I just found out about the shrimp). When I released the damsels from the bag into my tank I noticed a chunk of algae the size of a pebble (aprx 1/8th inch). It settled on the bottom. It is now about 4 hours later and the algae which is a very green color has already expanded to cover the surrounding area with a light green film color. I have a bottom consisting of chunked coral pieces and have also recently found out the lr and ls would have been a better route. I had taken most of my setup advice from the local fish store.
Essentially what I would like to know is this:
1) Should i remove that algae and the surrounding area or leave it in there to help with the cycle.
2) Since I started with a coral type bottom and an UG filter system in combo with a power filter, is it too late for me to add some live rock, live sand over the coral pieces? or what should i do?? I was hoping I could put live sand over the coral pieces and just turn off the UG filter if necessary. Help!
I guess I need to mention I am going for a setup with fish only for now with hopes of maybe incorporating some invertabrates later as I get more klnowledgeable at this.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!


I know it is going to cost you and take some time to do it, but I think you should try to get rid of the coral and the UG filter (sell it or something, maybe return if if you can), because they did give you bad advise. You are going to have a lot of trouble with it. I am not sure if you can add sand over the coral. I have never heard of that before. Maybe someone else can answer that one. Also, I think the algae will be fine if you leave it. It doesn't sound like much but if anything it would probably help.


First:never dump the stores water into your tank.That is a great way to introduce ich. Some people even use a seperate tank for a quarantine time. It doesn't matter as much since your just cycling but why take chances?
Second:if you add sand now all that will happen is that the coral will come to the top of the sand.Get the coral and the undergravel filter out of there.
Third:I would get the algae out too. You need to just start over. Get the coral,ugf,algae,and the water all out. Start off with enough sand for a 4-6 " depth. Add your live rock-1-1.5 lbs /gallon and then fill it using RO/DI water. No need to add chemicals.
Fourth:Cycle with a store bought shrimp.I used damsels and it was a pain to remove them.I eneded up taking most of my lr out of my 125 to get them out.
Fifth:Read A LOT. Before you make any decisons consult with this board.Take your time.I am glad I did both. My cycle is over. I have 15 turbo snails,1 Sally ligyhtfoot,1 Horshoe crab, and 2 clowns. I have been into this for about 2 months and so far evrybody seems happy in the tank. (Knock on wood)


There seems to be a lot of beating up on a person whose opinion doesn't EXACTLY agree with someone else's, so at great personal risk (I have a fragile ego), I would say that I agree with just about everything that JRein says. I don't think you need to break down the whole tank as suggested and start over. I would remove the UGF and Coral and replace with sand (although I am not a fan of the DSB).


I agree no need to start over. I myself am in the process of switching from an UGF and crushed coral to a deep sand bed.
Only thing is you got lucky! Your tank hasn't even cycled yet!
Mine's been set up forever (I still don't know why the lady I bought it from left it with crushed coral for so many years)
However there are a LOT of benefits to a deep sand bed, right now my tank has constant algae outbreaks. The algae you are seeing growing in your tank is good, I would leave it. The only algae I really consider bad is the algae that starts taking over the glass (it's my aquarium afterall, i should be able to see into it)
What someone advised me to do was to to leave some of the crushed coral in the sand but definately take the UGF out, the UGF will suck sand particles through it and it won't work with a deep sand bed.
But you can definately leave some crushed coral in the sand bed and that way if you get any creatures that like to dig or burrow they will be able to make little tunnels (I have three scooter blennies who i know would love the oppurtunity)
Also you do need to have a quarantine tank standing by, I have my new one cycling right now. (After it finishes I'm switching from crushed coral to deep sand bed, that way if something goes wrong I have somewhere I can put my fish safely.)
Good luck and I'm sorry for rambling on so much, I hope that helps you out.


Well-Known Member
I think you should encourage all the algae in your tank you can. Expecially plant like macro algae. It completes the cycle, filters out all kinds of stuff, buffers ph, and provides food for livestock.


First off I want to thank everyone so much for feplying so far. It is pretty obvious what I must do. I will get that CC & UGF out of there today and have it replaced with the DSB (all these
I guess I am somewhat lucky since my tank has yet to cycle.
Thanks again!!


I hope nobody evers think I am beating up on them.I wish I would have found this board a little sooner than I did. I started out with tap water that was conditioned,I figured that would be fine. Well, just like the advice I read on here after I had it filled, I had a bad algae breakout. I did a large water change and filled the tank with RO/DI. I always top off with the RO/DI and it has made a huge difference in the amount of algae.
I figured if you are going to the trouble of removing all of the CC why not just empty it all out? I started with CC and had to do the same thing. If you use a Python syphon that hooks to your sink it is really easy. I would like to see the mess that there is going to be from trying to remove the CC with a filled tank:eek:
I know algae is what is needed in the tank,but I wouldn't trust a lfs.Unless you have had prior experience with them I would be careful. You don't need a qt tank for a 4 buck damsel,but later down the road you may want to consider one.
I just figured you might as well start off right from the start. Good luck:)


I removed CC from an initial setup similar to this situation. Only differences were that I didn't have UG filter or any fish in yet. But it was very easy. Grab a cup and start scooping. that way you can save the money you have on Salt already and the slim possibility you already have some bacteria built up on rock or glass or whatever.
No mess to speak of other than a little bit of dripping on my pretty hardwood floors. I just put all my CC in ziplock freezer bags and added it to my closet of stuff that I wish I had read more about before I purchased.
I figured the few bucks I saved on salt and the effort of refilling my tank was well worth the many many scoops I had to make to get the CC out.
Now I just read a lot more about something and ask question before I buy. Teaches more patience too. Never buy anything on the spot anymore. I recommend you put that effort in your fish selection too as many times I come home from the LFS and think how I wanted to buy a certain fish only to find out it would be too agressive for my tank or not reef compatible for when I step up to corals.
Good luck. This hobby always has something new to offer it seems.


Once again I thank you all.
I had pretty much figured I was going to have to empty most or all of the water from the tank in order to remove the CC and the UGF. I am just glad I just started into this and found out now instead of a while down the road. I wemt out this morning and purchased 350Lb of sand and have the live sand and live rock ordered to arrive in a day or so.
In the meantime I have a lot of emptying.
That is good advice Crazy8. I have been reading these boards quite heavily and am learning that patience is the key to a lot of this.
Live and learn I guess.
I definately have no trust in this LFS but have a lot of other options about 1.5 hours away that I would rather check into.
Thanks again for all the input.