newbie anemone questions


I purchased two purple-tipped anemone today and had few questions.
can anemones move by themselves? i located one on the rocks and now its down at the sand.
one of the anemone's legs? look kindda shrivled. Is this ok?


It is normal for anemones to move until they find a place that they like. Sometimes they will shrivel up to the point you think that they are dead. I had one get sucked in to a powerhead the other day, and had to pry it out. It looked kind of ratty, but is fine, and traveling over the tank again to find it's final resting place. (that didn't sound right.) I guess "until it finds a place it likes" would be more appropriate.


Sea anemones do not always remain attached to one particular rock or portion ot the aquarium, and they are known to move to find a suitable attachment area.


Mine has decided that he likes the spot that my little piece of brain coral that was on some live rock I bought was growing nicely. Do you think it would be to rude to try to move him? How would I go about it?


You should avoid moving anemones at all costs. How about moving your powerheads instead, forcing the anemone to move to a new location. With a little experimentation, the anemone will find a spot that is perfect for viewing and enjoyable for the anemone. Constant grabbing of the coral to put it in the same spot and causing him to move right back in the same spot runs the risk of damaging it or added stress. Moving powerheads seem to be a little easier task.
Also, anemones expel their water from time to time, making it appear they are shrivelled up and dead. They are not, they are just flushing the "used" water and replacing with "fresh" water. The whole process usually takes around 1-3 hours. Keep this in mind when viewing your anemone. HTH--Bob


could you guys recommend how manyh powerheads I would need for a 75 gallon? and how much power each? ( the powerhead pumpage)


Airstones are generally not a good idea. From what I understand they can quite often irritate corals, anenomes or other life in the tank because of the microbubbles. Although this is not true in my tank as I have some microbubbles floating around because of something on my power heads, but they are definitely not as many as an air stone would emit.


The thing to remember about micro bubbles (or any bubbles for that matter) is that they are AIR.
If a micro bubble launches into the water, and say lands on a coral. That part, however small, is now in the open air.
If a bubble wand was to put say 30 micro bubbles on a small area on say, a bubble coral over time, the areas with the bubbles are now, for all intents and purposes not in water. Which from what I have heard, is very bad for bubble corals.
Thats what you need to consider...


I used to have my powerhead blow bubbles into my tank, until I realized it looked ugly and detached the bubble part. Little did I know then that the bubbles were discouraging algae and other stuff to grow in my tank. It's a good thing I took it off, cuz otherwise I'd have probably a fraction of the algae that i have now. :eek:


i can't touch them with bare hands right?
are latex gloves bad for water?
It's been more than 24 hours and they are still not attached to a rock. They kept going between caves and etc. They sometimes are upside down? I guess this is a bad sign?
[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: vince ]
[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: vince ]


Don't worry about them yet. It may take weeks for an anemone to get settled and sometimes just when you think they have, there on the moved again. Make sure if you add powerheads, which you should, you put sponge pre-filters over the intake to avoid your anemone being sucked into it which will usually stress it to death. I have a long tenticle that tumbled around the tank for weeks before it found a happy spot.
Just be patient.
By the way, what lights do you have?


Vince I got the same problem with my anemones rightnow,they been moving to one part of the tank to another,so dont you worry.this is normal.
[ August 10, 2001: Message edited by: Salttrigger ]