Newbie Brittle Starfish question


I recently discovered a tiny white brittle starfish living in one of the LR in my 12G Nano. Now that I know what hole in the rock he seems to hang out around, I frequently see an arm or two come out. Two nights ago I was putting tiny pieces of mysis shrimp in my yellow polyps and button polyps when I saw a couple of his arms moving around his favorate rock hole and slid a tiny piece of shrimp toward him. It was so kewl to see his tiny arm snake around the shrimp and then pull into his hole

Now here is where I am going to show my ignorance and ask my question. Is this tiny white brittle star a baby that will grow into some of the larger brittle stars I have seen at the LFS or are there some species that are very small and this is a full grown specimen? Either way is fine, I think he is really neat and I hope he is around for a long time.


Active Member
He is full grown. Probably an Amphipholis squamata, and I agree watching em eat is pretty awesome!


Thanks for the quick reply. He resides in an invert tank only, few corals and a clean up crew. No fish to pick him off. I hope one of the hermits does not try and make a meal from him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TerrieL
Thanks for the quick reply. He resides in an invert tank only, few corals and a clean up crew. No fish to pick him off. I hope one of the hermits does not try and make a meal from him.

They generally reproduce fairly quickly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
He is full grown. Probably an Amphipholis squamata, and I agree watching em eat is pretty awesome!
