newbie fish question


New Member
Hi all,
I'm just starting to get into the saltwater thing, and this is my first tank. I've had freshwater for years, but I'm a complete newbie to salt.
I have a 55gal that I want to make saltwater. I have a few questions if you have the time.
I want 2 trigger fish(clown triggers), if that's possible. I would also like a couple horseshoe crabs if they can live together with the triggers. Other than that, I'm open to suggestions as to what will live well with these, and what would be good for the tank as far as cleaning bottom/debris. I'm not looking to get into a reef-system just yet, but I want to be prepared down the road if I want to.
I intend to feed the triggers live food sometimes, so I need a good filtration system. I was going to use a UGA fo the bio filter, and I have a whisper dual filter for mechanical, but after reading, it looks like this won't be enough. I was thinking of getting a good cannister, and I have no idea what to use for a biological.
I'm reading up about the cycling process, so it looks like a long road. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

swf luvr

New Member
I would like to know too Erock. I posted the Not So Newbie and that is why I would like to start again.
Wish I came across this forum years ago and maybe I wouldn't have wasted all that time, money, fish and other stuff.
SWF Luver


New Member
Hiya SWF Luvr, I saw your thread, but that sounds really difficult to start a 10 gal salt tank. I always heard that the bigger tanks were easier. I guess it makes sense with the amount of water and bio/chemical balances. I don't even know if a 55gal is big enough :)


I agree with jwtrojan, the clown triggers need lots of room to roam. And they are very territorial, that's why you should only have one per tank.
I don't think you should put horseshoe crabs in a 55 gal either. Even if they are small to begin with, they need lots of room too. Most SW hobbyists don't keep them.
I would also rethink what kind of tank that you want. A 55 gal would make a good reef to start off with. Just research your fish and equipment. Or you could go with your aggressive setup, but you will be limited on what kinds of fish due to the size of your tank.
Good luck


New Member
Thanks for the replies guys, I am re-thinking my situation. I'm looking at a 200gal in my area, so I may be back with more questions. Thanks again :)

barry cuda

That 200-gal would be very, very cool. It'll cost a little more to set up because everything will need to be bigger & more powerful, but not atrociously so IMHO. And a lot of us here will be jealous!