Newbie Fish...well everything Question


New Member
Sorry guys got sidetracked getting the second movement pump, (Koralia 3) buying the stuff to put together a sump etc. Have done some checking on the skimmer and found that will do fine for now which is good :) Heres the picture I said I would put up Meowzer
Replacing the lights with a T5 unit sometime in the next couple weeks along with some egg crate to cover the tank to prevent the jumpers, but we still have plenty of time only been four weeks this coming weekend since it started. Have never seen a rise in anything, tested again on sat and all readings were as such:
Salinity 1.025
Nothing has changed at all so I'm hoping since the rock came straight from another already established tank we got lucky and go no die off from it


New Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Your tank is looking nice. Here I posted the picture for ya.

Thanks, and thanks...crazy work computer blocks everything had to just grab a picture that had been sent in a email to even make that one work!
Came up with a partial stock list to and thanks to everyone for the help with that as well!
2 Percs
1 Bicolor Angel
1 Royal Gramma


New Member
I'm actually sitting in the same room with it and I saw the post I had to turn to see if it was on. I can't hardly hear it but I'm in the house with it and may be used to it, but I can't recall that it was ever loud...kind of a low hum I guess