Newbie has cycling question


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Ummm so in the contests of the marine aquarium nitrogen gas is the last phase of the nitrogen bio cycle ERGO what I said Unless you are professing that nitrogen is some how Absorbed from the atmosphere into our aquariums And converted into ammonia which would be very interesting to me please elaborate on your finding
The nitrogen cycle is not exclusive to marine aquariums.
I know what you meant, but what you said, "he last part of the cycle is nitrogen gas." isn't true. Otherwise it wouldn't be a cycle at all. You meant that in our aquariums, the last step is nitrogen and that I would agree with.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
The nitrogen cycle is not exclusive to marine aquariums.
I never said it was.
I know what you meant, but what you said, "he last part of the cycle is nitrogen gas." isn't true. Otherwise it wouldn't be a cycle at all.
A cycle of a repeating event or process in many fields (physics, mathematics, audio, economics, etc.) is one complete occurrence of the event, which repeats.
So by that definition in our aquariums the last occurrence of the nitrogen cycle is nitrates to nitrogen gas is it not


New Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
While I had a freshwater tank I researched for 5 months before starting a saltwater tank. I feel that is why I've had success above everything else. While I did not know a whole lot about saltwater tanks by the end of this time, I definitely knew enough to start.
Now, not everyone does that and that is perfectly fine.
And really and truly FL Joe, when it come to the nitrogen cycle, there is no "last step." There are processes which convert nitrogen gas back into ammonia. Ergo...cycle. That my friend is why we don't call it the nitrogen chain. However in the aquarium, nitrogen is the last step.
Anyway, a forum (in my opinion) is one of the best places to learn about this stuff due to the fact that active forums are never outdated.
But a book is certainly helpful. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist is about as close as you can get to a "complete reefing guide."
Good luck in this and when you feel comfortable, post some pictures.
Ok, I went and bought some more live rock and I am going to add some pics, but just a side note, my diamond goby has messed up the sand and he caused me to mess up the way I had my rock because I couldn't find him and I took it all out to look for him until I figured out that he jumped into the sump part of my cube. Here are pic and let me know what you think! I should have cleaned the glass before I took pics today.
I also have another question, I have a purple pseudochromis and a coral beauty. The pseudo is biting off the tail fins of the coral beauty. Which one should I part with and what can I add to replace the one I need to get rid of?



from what i've learned from being on this forum.
you mentioned your coral beauty and pseudochromis you also seem to have a clown as well. Thats a lot of fish to have already if your not sure your tank is cycled.
And having an Anemone in such a young tank is a no no.
You should def get rid of the pseudochromis


New Member
Originally Posted by russwlw2004
from what i've learned from being on this forum.
you mentioned your coral beauty and pseudochromis you also seem to have a clown as well. Thats a lot of fish to have already if your not sure your tank is cycled.
And having an Anemone in such a young tank is a no no.
You should def get rid of the pseudochromis
Thanks for the insight...but me being a newbie, I went to the LFS and he gave me some chemical that he said I could put in my tank and 24 hours later I could put anything in it that I wanted. I have been monitoring the water quality everyday and everything is reading 0. I don't know how true that stuff is, but I have been on top of checking it just in case I need to move my fish to a freinds house who has a tank that has been setup for a couple of years. Now I am scared of what MIGHT happen!


Originally Posted by GuentK01
Thanks for the insight...but me being a newbie, I went to the LFS and he gave me some chemical that he said I could put in my tank and 24 hours later I could put anything in it that I wanted. I have been monitoring the water quality everyday and everything is reading 0. I don't know how true that stuff is, but I have been on top of checking it just in case I need to move my fish to a freinds house who has a tank that has been setup for a couple of years. Now I am scared of what MIGHT happen!

Beware of the snake oils out there. The only correct way to cycle a tank is naturally-LR, LS, and time. I don't even use the shrimp method. If you purchase good cured LR and have proper flow, all the numbers will come together in a couple of weeks +/-.