Newbie help~reef feeding, powerheads & anemone sick


Active Member
Originally Posted by contrarymary
Thanks uberlink!
My anemone has almost completely freed himself and is starting to perk up. I really hate to let him die without trying. I thought that when(if) he gets free that I might a loose rubber band around a rock to keep him grounded for a while. I don't have a refugium.
Dog gone it! Now I am worrying about the bubble tip too. I want to do the right thing...
I am still wondering about which skimmer to get. I need to order online. We are still under a winter storming warning for another day at least. We had blizzard warnings here in Northern Michigan for a couple of days and the closest store is about an hour away right into the snowbelt!
This anenome is clearly bleaching. I still don't think the poster as enough lighting. I had mine under T5 lighting and it did ok, what a difference under MH though!


Is this a new anemone? I looked back up through there but I can't see how old the tank is or anything. Is it "bleaching" or is it a new anemone that was already bleached when it was added to the tank? I noticed the other anemone doesn't look that bad--apart from being stuck in the filter.


Active Member
you can tell the tank is wayy young there are no idicators of age like coraline on the Pick ups or even hard alges no signs of anything so My guess is the tank is no older than a month maybe two. unless this persont takes everything out and scrubs it clean every couple weeks we would see tube worm, vermited snails, something encrusting his equipment. All I see is a slight shading of diatoms on the pickups.


Active Member
Yeah, i think the anenome was bleached when the poster got it. Good strong lighting will help it to come back, but i just don't think the lighting he/she has will do it, not saying its impossible, just doubtful, hope the poster proves me wrong.


Well, for the poster's sake, I hope your wrong! Mine came back under pc's, but a lot of other things can contribute, like water quality and the age of the tank, not to mention the condition the thing was in originally. I think some of them are doomed before they ever reach our tanks, even with the best lighting.


Active Member
I hope i am wrong also, possibly if the anenome stays up high, it might do ok. And i agree we sometimes get these animals in bad shape to begin with. Mine was bleached pretty badly also when i got it. It did better under my T5 lighting, but really got healthy when i added MH to the tank, now its so big i wish it would spit in half so i can get rid of half of it


I would love to have a BTA and was going to pick one up for my clown pair. But now I am reading this post and rethinking. I have 130 watts of pc lighting over a 29 gallon tank. Are you guys suggesting thats not enough for a BTA?

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by saltfreak4
I would love to have a BTA and was going to pick one up for my clown pair. But now I am reading this post and rethinking. I have 130 watts of pc lighting over a 29 gallon tank. Are you guys suggesting thats not enough for a BTA?
130watts should be plebty enough for a bta just keep in mind how deep ur tank tank is only 10 inches im a pretty firm believer that i could keep a bta under 130watts in my tank...but if ur water is too deep the anenome will really only be getting like half of the out of 130watts it would be saf to assume if ur tank is any deeper than 15inches u probbaly couldnt keep a bta successfully... just my 2cents
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
you can tell the tank is wayy young there are no idicators of age like coraline on the Pick ups or even hard alges no signs of anything so My guess is the tank is no older than a month maybe two. unless this persont takes everything out and scrubs it clean every couple weeks we would see tube worm, vermited snails, something encrusting his equipment. All I see is a slight shading of diatoms on the pickups.
This is a new tank that was transferred from the 47 gal column tank about a month ago. It has already cycled. The long tentacle anemone is hanging in there but I don't know. I have him suspended in a net closer to the lights & near (not too close) to good water movement. He is not feeding yet but still latches on to me. I fearful that his time is short.
After all the posts here I moved to the BTA & his rock about 6" from the lighting.


New Member
i seen in one of your posts that you mix your red sea salt with well water no one has said anything but u need 2 use ro/di water cuz god only knows whats in well water and it will already contain nitrates
I have checked the well water for nitrates. I checked at Walmart for the ro/di water & it runs $10 for 5 gallons. I live in a resort area & they charge ALOT for bottled water. I may consider buying my own unit.