Hi everybody, i'm very new to the saltwater world, I stumbled across this site while researching fish & I think it is great, you are all so helpful i've learned a lot off this site. Thanks!
I have a 55 gal. tank, penguin bio-wheel 330 filter, 3 powerheads, 35 lbs. live rock & about 20 lbs. base rock. Right now i'm using a single strip light w/2 corallife 50/50 bulbs that was given to me. I'm planning on buying a corallife lunar aqualight in about a week or two. I have 20 lbs. of live sand, I think it's argonite or something like that it's black & white.
I'm thinking about adding my first fish soon, my water parameters are
ph= 8.2
Here's a list of the fish that I would really like to keep:
1- coral beauty or flame angel
1- purple firefish
1- yellow watchman goby
2- percula clownfish
1- six line wrasse
1- clown goby
4-5 vanderbilt chromis
the total adult size for these fish is supposed to be right at 29 1/2 inches. I know that i'm supposed to keep it around 27 in., would the extra 2 1/2 in be possible? I'm not thinking of adding all of these at once of course, so I can change something later if needed.
From the research that I have done all of these fish should be compatable, please advise if they aren't. Also I would like to know about the hardiness & life expectancy of these fish, I have'nt found much about that.
What would be a good anemone for the perc's?
I also need to come up with a good cleaner crew, right now I have 1- scarlet hermit, 4-blue legs, & 3-zebra leg hermits. They are the only things that i've put in so far.
Thanks for any advice that you can give me!
I have a 55 gal. tank, penguin bio-wheel 330 filter, 3 powerheads, 35 lbs. live rock & about 20 lbs. base rock. Right now i'm using a single strip light w/2 corallife 50/50 bulbs that was given to me. I'm planning on buying a corallife lunar aqualight in about a week or two. I have 20 lbs. of live sand, I think it's argonite or something like that it's black & white.
I'm thinking about adding my first fish soon, my water parameters are
ph= 8.2
Here's a list of the fish that I would really like to keep:
1- coral beauty or flame angel
1- purple firefish
1- yellow watchman goby
2- percula clownfish
1- six line wrasse
1- clown goby
4-5 vanderbilt chromis
the total adult size for these fish is supposed to be right at 29 1/2 inches. I know that i'm supposed to keep it around 27 in., would the extra 2 1/2 in be possible? I'm not thinking of adding all of these at once of course, so I can change something later if needed.
From the research that I have done all of these fish should be compatable, please advise if they aren't. Also I would like to know about the hardiness & life expectancy of these fish, I have'nt found much about that.
What would be a good anemone for the perc's?
I also need to come up with a good cleaner crew, right now I have 1- scarlet hermit, 4-blue legs, & 3-zebra leg hermits. They are the only things that i've put in so far.
Thanks for any advice that you can give me!