Newbie help with tank set up


Hello all,
This is my first official post after finding this forum :) Anyway here goes and please forgive if this has been answered.
I have a 85g tank that i am setting up for a reef system. After reading a few threads i see most suggest using LS but i already made the mistake of listening to my local dealer and bought CC.Since i only have 8lb of LR should i switch to LS or just go with what i have? And if i switch does it have to be LS or can u buy playsand from homedepot and let the LR populate the sand?
Can someone let me know if i should use all LR or should i mix with LR and dead rock.
Last ? since i am in the cycling phase once i get enough LR can i buy some of the cleaning crew just to help the cycling process or should i wait for awhile?
Thanks for the help


Just my opinion but now is the time to switch to a DSB. don't feel bad about getting convinced into buying CC as most of us were, myself included. Just go out and buy some dead sand and mix with a small amount of live sand or purchase some more LR as this will also put life into your sand bed. As for more LR you do need more but there is nothing wrong with adding some base rock and putting LR on top of the base rock and in time it will all be LR (and you save some $$$). As for the clean up crew wait for the tank to finish it's cycle and the nitrites go to 0 by then you will have a major diatom bloom going.


If you add LR after the cycle you should cure it to make sure you don't start a mini cycle.
Wait until after the cycle to add the clean-up crew.


Thanks for the response :)
couple more quick ?'s how often should i test the tank? and how much LS do i need since i decided to change out the cc and where is a good place to buy supplies on line?
Thnks again,


For a dsb you want about 4 to 6 inches of base sand..This doesn't need to be live sand it can be most any argonite sand..some even use quickcrete sand..You can then seed it will a little of live sand or let your live rock do the work..Seeding it will only cycle the tank faster as will adding more live rock..I usually test my water every 3 or 4 days sometimes more if I"m concerned about an abnormal level..As one level goes down ,, Ammonia,,the other one should start to go up ,nitrates..So once the ammonia is totally gone you shouldn't have to constantly check it.. once a week or so..but check the others more often till they also go to zero and then also monitor occasionally ..Once the tank is cylcled there really is no set time when you have to test it as you think needed..


Active Member is a great place for all you live sand and live rock needs. I have ordered several times and i have been very pleased, the only bad thing, right now a week behind on orders. But, Still worth the wait


I agree with Sam, change now. I too was mislead into CC and changed to dry argonite sand with a layer of LS on top after my tank had already cycled. I got a mini cycle, but now I have no detectable ammonia, trites or trates. As far as your LR ?, I used dry base rock on the glass, added the cc first( bummer ) and then LR. Now, I have a DSB with the rock set the same way. You can hardly tell that the base rock was 'dead', the coraline is already forming nicely on it.
During the cycle, I checked my water every 3rd day. Now, I check weekly or if I get concerned for some reason.
Finally, for the cleaner crew. Ditto on the wait till the cycle is over. No sense in stressing any livestock!