newbie here 55gal


well i bought a 55gal n a 45 gal
trying to figure out which one to use for my swa
i love using new abreviations
n e ways
i cant really afford a full on coral n fish
so im prolly just gonna do LR and LS
and then add coral to it later??
nor sure if i can do that can i ???
umm pretty much all i have is the tank
im going to do a leak test tonite outside
i dont have a real nice stand just a shitty old table thats built liek a rock
i dont no n e thing about swa's
so filters n ---- i no nothing
there is a really nice pet store near me that sells LR and LS
how much do i need
i pretty much need to know everything
thanks guys


First off i would use the 55 gallon tank.
In that size tank you would need probably like 50-60 pounds LS
and around 50-80 pounds LR
For filtration you could go with hang on back style filters, but i would look into a sump/fuge.
A sump is where you hide all your equipment to give your tank a more natural look. In a sump you would have your heater, protein skimmer, and stuff like LR, LS, and other things like filter pads to filter the water.
Usually you keep a sump right under your tank, using a overflow box to take the water into the sump and a pump to take it back up.
Hope that helps!


Well a really good sump would be from $300-$500 dollars.
But you could save alot of money buy building your own.


so i have a tank
i need to buy a pump/heater/other ---- i dont know about??
and LR and LS
can i just go to a store and buy a sump that has everything included


Its actually not that hard to build a sump. But yes some LFS do have sumps that you can buy.


LFS-local fish store. If you go to the bottom of the discussion topics there is a section called faq archives...something to that effect scroll down and look for "Bulletin Board Acronyms". Lists alot of the acronyms people use on this site. I had to reference it for the first few weeks.