Newbie here--need advice!


Hello all! Please tell me about cleaner shrimp & ick? Do they help? Do they need to be put in a QT before putting into the main tank? Do they get eaten easily?? We have several Tangs & smaller fish-Damsels, Clowns. New tank--3 months. Thankyou for any info!
Also please tell me how do I find the "faq" section for the hyposalinity information?
Thankyou so much!


Cleaner shrimp and other inverts do not need to be QTed as they cannot carry diseases that can be caught by fish.
Cleaner shrimp can help with ich, but they cannot cure it and should never be used in place of hypo treatment. Use the search engine up to your top right for information on hypo treatment which involves lowering the salinity of the water so that the marine fish can survive while the ich parasite cannot.
Any other questions you have you should do a search on also, there are many excellent pre-existing threads that may give you all the info you need, and of course if you can't find what you need you can always post here!
Welcome to the boards :D


Active Member
Also, the FAQ you seek can be found by going to the Disease and Treatment forum--there is a thread at the top entitled "Sticky: Basic FAQ" it talks all about quarantine tanks, hyposalinity and ich. Cleaner shrimp are a great thing to have in a tank--if only for the fact that they reproduce often and their spawn are a healthy treat for your fish and corals. They also help control parasites--though if ich is at a point where you see it, it is beyond that which a cleaner shrimp can control. Welcome to the board!


Thankyou all so much for all the information. Seems there is SOOO much to learn. Want my fish to be ok!! As time goes on I realize how much there is to learn! Lots of questions to come!