Newbie here with a few puffer questions


Hello Everyone, new here to the board, alot of information is to be had here....I have a 220 gallon tank, I have 8 damsels and 1 Porcupine Puffer, I have been trying to read up on them and make him as happy and keep him as healthy as possible....I understand you can feed them shell food, like clams and such but my question is this...Can I go to a supermarket and just buy clams from the fish department and drop them in the tank, or is there a special food at the pet store I should be looking at?? Any information as far as books or websites would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance!


Welcome to the boards!!!
My proc puffer loved the frozen clams I got from the LFS. Probably cheaper than the market. Plus mine loved to hunt and snack on my snails and hermit crabs I kept as a cleanup crew. It really helps to keep their beak down. Good luck!!


Active Member
You can feed him the clams that they sell at the seafood section of your local supermarket. As long as the clams are still alive when you get them, which they should be otherwise you shouldnt eat them anyway, they will be a great addition to his diet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CircesMagic
Hello Everyone, new here to the board, alot of information is to be had here....I have a 220 gallon tank, I have 8 damsels and 1 Porcupine Puffer, I have been trying to read up on them and make him as happy and keep him as healthy as possible....I understand you can feed them shell food, like clams and such but my question is this...Can I go to a supermarket and just buy clams from the fish department and drop them in the tank, or is there a special food at the pet store I should be looking at?? Any information as far as books or websites would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Welcome to SWF boards! Your puffer looks great. To keep them happy feed your puffer a nice varied diet of meaty foods and occationally feed him some veggies. I fed mine frozen krill as his main diet and supplimented with silversides and also some occational chopped up clams. Mine was so trained, he ate right out of my hand. Like a little puppy.
"Puff" was with me for 3.5 years and then one day poof gone. Once these guys are healthy and established they will do very well. If you have those damsels when the puffer gets bigger (6-8 inches) they will make a nice snack.
Have fun with your new guy.


Mine was so personable, that after just a couple of days he wouldn't take anything from a stick. It HAD to be hand fed to him. An he was a notorious begger. His stomach would be bulging and he would still be wanting more.


my por puffer eats shrimp and he will only eat it off a feeder stick you can throw shrimp in the tank and he wont eat it he's a big baby.


Active Member
That is what I do, I go buy a couple dozen oysters, and feed them to him on the half shell, he goes nuts. I also get fresh sardines, and squid. He doesn't like silver sides that much, but will begrudgingly eat them if it is all I have. You probably shouldn't feed them krill as the base diet. It would be like eating McDonalds every day.