Newbie Lighting Question


I am ready to start adding stuff other than fish to my 75 gallon, but I am so confused when it comes to lighting. The tank is mainly going to be a reef tank with a few fish that are reef safe. I am looking to keep everything except anemones in the tank. The lighting will hang over the tank just about the canopy. Please offer some ideas on the type of lighting I will need and the type of fixtures and wattage I would require. Thanks Ron

salty rick

You will probably get lots of good advice on your topic from this messageboard. However, I would suggest that you do a search of the this board. I have seen many good threads on lighting for reefs. Many will recommend a retrofit system of metal halids and either power compacts or VHO lighting. I can't offer any expert advice since I do not have those systems. If anything this post will bump yours to the top.


Active Member
Hey mate,
Well I am in England and here in europe we have what is called T5 lighting. This is latest technology and yet it is this in flurescent bulbs, but absolutely brilliant and I would HIGHLY recommend these to anyone. I installed mine today by the way! :D
HOWEVER, (lol), I dont think you guys have them yet! But very interesting nevertheless and keep your eyes out for them, very cost affective as well.
All the best,
Tim :cool:


timsedwards, can you post a link to T-5 lights...although I realize that the electric configuration would be different, I would like to investigate T-5's


What are your outlets rated for? is it 50hz? What voltage? It may be possible to make them work from their configuration.
I know we use some UK slushy machines on our submarine. I think it has a range from 50-60hz, so has no problems. It is 450V though. We just had to change out the plug.
I couldn't find those ratings on Arcadia's web site.


Active Member
Hi guys,
Thanks Barracuda! Im working on it! Im going to post another thread for you Barracuda, ive tested my water for Ca and Alk.
As i understand, in the US you run on 120v and we in the UK run on 240v, which leads me to believe they wont work, but I am by no means an electrician!
All the best,
Tim :cool:


We use 240v for clothes dryers. Some models require it to put more power into the heating element. It would be more work, but if they aren't going to be introduced here for a while, I guess it could be worth it... If not monitarily, atleast option of using flourescents over MH...