New Member
i have a 90 gal fish only tank with koran angel juvie, fancy clown, snowflake eel, sailfin tang, longnose butterfly, and inverts. I have had my butterfly about month now and is know as fatboy as he is always hungry. When feeding time hes first to race and last to eat. I have noticed last night and allday, i feed twice daily, he is not interested in eating. His favorite is frozen brine shrimp as well as a angel/butterfly frozen meal. I alternate them both. he is also hiding more. I have never noticed him hiding, hes actually my most friendly fish. If you put a net or hand in tank he is not afraid to investigate and never runs away. Is he just have bad day or is he showing signs of something serious? He has no other physical signs, swimming well, no physical defects. Is there different temperments im not aware of? Please give me advice, thanks