Newbie Nano Tank


Howdy folks. I'm starting to feel more confident about the new reef tank I'm trying to slowly build. I'd really appreciate comments on what I'm doing, especially constructive criticism if I'm doing the wrong things. There are pictures of everything in there as well as how things have been going on in the "photos" link at the top.
I have 5 clownfish, 10 hermit crabs, a halloween crab, a purple lobster I haven't seen for a day or so, two peppermint shrimp, 10 margarita snails, a bubble tip anemone and a few small bits of coral who rode in on a piece of branch rock.


how big is the tank?Also having 5 diffenrent clownfish is not a good idea they will fight each other unless its in a really big tank. Just my 2 cents



It's a 24 Aquapod with the Sunpod top and a fission protein skimmer. I'm trying to figure out whether I should get a small gobi to turn over the sand since it seems to be getting a bit of brown algae on it.


ok since its only a 24 gallon tank you defanitly should not have that many clonws and you are pushing your bioload with that many fish so i would get rid of 3 of the clownfish and then you could get a goby just my 2 cents.

Hope this helps,


I was afraid you'd say something like that.... What an excuse to start a bigger tank at the same time :).


Ya what an excuse lol but if you do get a bigger tank it will have to be like a 150 gallon to keep that many different clown fish together because soon the bigger clownfish will start killing the smaller and differnet specis ones. But if you get rid of 3 of your clownfish you could get a goby and maybe a drawf angelfish just my 2 cents.

Hope this helps,


Active Member
the fish will be fine together for ahwile.... until they begin pairing ... then all He** will break loose... + your tank is a bit small for the bioload i wish you the best it looks great so far... keep an close eye on your levels.


The tank's been up for a few weeks. So far, loads are good, chemistry is good, everyone seems happy except for a jihad of the hermits vs. the snails.


Originally Posted by coachKLM
the fish will be fine together for ahwile.... until they begin pairing ... then all He** will break loose... + your tank is a bit small for the bioload i wish you the best it looks great so far... keep an close eye on your levels.

Uh oh. Any idea how long that usually takes? I may just have to get a bigger tank and start cycling it for the 3 odd guys out. Not terribly happy sounding.
Thanks for the compliments. I will indeed keep an eye on the loads and won't put in any more corals on purpose.


Originally Posted by coachKLM
the fish will be fine together for ahwile.... until they begin pairing ... then all He** will break loose... + your tank is a bit small for the bioload i wish you the best it looks great so far... keep an close eye on your levels.

Like coach said as soon as they pair and grow its going to go crazy
but your tank is a bit young for an anemone(sp?) i believe a tank should be at least 6 months old just my 2 cents.
Hope this helps,


It may be young indeed. The bubble was an impulse purchase I shouldn't have made at this point. Hopefully he will remain fine and happy. What are your recommendations for feeding him to make this hopefully work out? The anemone climbed into a notch between two rocks and is partially sticking out but seems happy and inflated and all. Hopefully I'm not missing something.


Right now I'm feeding Formula One Marine Pellet from Ocean Nutrition. If there's something better, I'd love to know about it. The clowns love it :)


I would try some brine shirmp and mysis they will like that to and the anemone(sp?) should also like that
umm seafood but anyway if the anemone dosnt like that then i would do this Its diet should include chopped fish, shrimp, or worms if a clownfish is not present. thats if he dosnt eat the other stuff and if the clownfish are not hosting him so next time you feed i would watch what the anemone does if some food falls by him just my 2 cents.
Hope this helps,


Active Member
it looks good, but thats a lot of fish for a tank thats only been up a few weeks.


Well, you guys got me to thinking, so when a friend had a tank he wanted to unload, along with the filter, stand, lights, hood, etc. etc., guess who bought it? 120 gallons. I figure that I will move the 3 clown out in about a month after things settle in with the tank. I get it tomorrow, and will put some of the live sand, live rock, and new filter media in tomorrow and start it running. Then the live rock and live sand from should arrive on Wednesday and I'll add that in and keep things going til we have a good cycle. I'm planning a FOWLR set up in the 120 until I have a good handle on corals and anemones.
Meantime, the 24 has decided to begin growing that brown algae stuff on the inside of the glass, on the sand, and on the filter intake. I have 10 hermits, and hopefully still 10 snails after the hermit vs. snail civil war. Is there anything else I should add that likes to munch on the algae? I don't mind cleaning it, but I can see that if I don't keep up with it, things might not look too good.
And then I will check into saltwater anonymous and admit my problem :)