Newbie Need some help


New Member
Hey I'm new to saltwater tanks. So far I have protein skimmer, 4 t5 2 blue 2 white, and a filter. I am looking for some power heads (56 gallon tank) any suggestions? Will the T5 allow me to get any kind of corals I want? I all ready have live sand, rock etc....Anything I am messing.
(My tank has all ready cycled)
Thanks, ljensen


Welcome to the site!
I'm assuming it's a 56 gallon column tank? If so, you should check out Slice's tank thread, he has that tank and it's awesome! He just recently won Tank of the Month on this site.
With your lighting, you'll be able to keep some corals, mainly soft corals such as mushrooms and zoanthids and some LPS if it's up closer to the lighting.
As for powerheads, Korallia and Tunze are great brands, and if you have the money, you can't beat the EcoTech Vortech pumps.


New Member
I have had my tank running for 2 weeks and all ready forgot how many watts (Not a good start lol) on the back it says Voltage 120V 60Hz . Should I run 1 or 2 powerheads and what size?


A couple of power heads would be good. What brand light did you buy? That might help us determine capabilities. I'm assuming you are using either a wet dry or canister filter since you mentioned filter. Is the tank drilled?
Not trying to pry, just trying to understand your system.
If your tank has been running ~2 weeks, I doubt it's cycled and is still very young. Can you provide parameters please?
Thanks, and maybe we can add more once more is learned. :)


New Member
Would 2 Hydor Koralia Evolution 550 be a good choice?
What brand light did you buy?
The light is AquaticLife, Model:LF2-30
The Filter is a Rena Filstar

red tiger

Originally Posted by ljensen http:///t/389253/newbie-need-some-help#post_3439231
Would 2 Hydor Koralia Evolution 550 be a good choice?
The light is AquaticLife, Model:LF2-30
The Filter is a Rena Filstar
Your turnover rate with those power heads is about 19 times, which is good!
Which 56 gallon tank is it? Is it a tall one or what are your dimensions?
Have you added any live rock?
Also, what did you use to start your cycle?