newbie needing help. (pics)


hello all. I'm new to the hobby yet already in deep! I've got a 20 gallon that's been running about 2 months and can't seem to keep brown algae off my glass and gravel bed. I've resorted to water changes every other day and most recently set up 5 mangrove seedlings in my filter with a light to try to compete against the nuisance blooms. I have a firefish, royal gramma and a colony of hairy green mushrooms and 5 other frags ( frogspawn, hammer, Zoa, acro and acan)
question is: from a veteran's standpoint; what could be done better or changed?
*note the closeup of the acro and acan, are they dead? or in recession? the acro is supposed to be bright green and acan blue and green.



Well-Known Member
Hello, and welcome to the site.
Can you tell us what your test readings are? Exact numbers will tell us what is going on, so we will know what to tell you to do to get things on track.


Hi, and thank you for the welcome.
like I stated earlier I did a 5g water change this evening and also jus tested my water a few minutes ago. these results are my best interpretation of the test color agains the color chart.
pH - 8.2/8.3
Ammo - < .25 ppm
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Nitrate - < 5 ppm (about 2.5)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by shane784 http:///t/393656/newbie-needing-help-pics#post_3502713
Hi, and thank you for the welcome.
like I stated earlier I did a 5g water change this evening and also jus tested my water a few minutes ago. these results are my best interpretation of the test color agains the color chart.
pH - 8.2/8.3
Ammo - < .25 ppm
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Nitrate - < 5 ppm (about 2.5)
The ammonia reading is troublesome, it should be 0, so a larger water change is needed
. Some cause of ammonia.... something dies in the tank, or you did a total change in the media of the filter all at once or added another critter and tipped the balance. There should be some explanation as to why you have an ammonia spike (ever so small)
Next, since you have coral, you need a reef test kit, so you can test your calcium levels, your phosphates (PO4) and you alkalinity. So get those tests and give us your reading on them.


Active Member
Your tank is very young and for a young tank and a small tank your filtration system is not handling your bioload What are you using for filtration? The diatom blooms are normal for how old your tank is and will subside once your good bacteria levels catch up. Are you sure your tank had its initial cycle? Is this the first time you've seen the diatoms?


I have an internal skimmer rated @30gal, also running a Marineland Penguin 200 with only mech. filtration and I have 5 mangrove shoots fixed in the top of that filter. I'm really jus experimenting - I live out in the sticks so mainly I order all my stuff and get all my info online unless I goto my LFS about 90 mins away.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by shane784 http:///t/393656/newbie-needing-help-pics#post_3502718
I have an internal skimmer rated @30gal, also running a Marineland Penguin 200 with only mech. filtration and I have 5 mangrove shoots fixed in the top of that filter. I'm really jus experimenting - I live out in the sticks so mainly I order all my stuff and get all my info online unless I goto my LFS about 90 mins away.
You get better equipment on-line anyway. I always buy online for everything except fish food. The mangroves will help export phosphates and nitrates. Another power head pointed at the rocks should keep them clear and then place another power head pointed at the surface will help oxygenate everything. A larger water change is needed to get the ammonia to 0. You do still need the test kits I posted, I use SeaChem because all their tests come with a regent to be able to double check them for accuracy. I had 3 bad API kits in a row, so I stay away from that brand and I wanted to be able to check the accuracy of all tests after that.
Personally, I think the Penquin 200 is sufficient for a 30g, however, the larger the better when it comes to filtration, so I would replace the Penguin 200 for a 350, it only costs $33.34 on rated for a tank 50g to 70g.
What kind of lighting do you have?...SPS corals need really strong


ok, so a 2nd powerhead and an upgrade to a larger filter... CHECK... based on my bioload; would this decrease the buildup of algae alltogether?? also another question: i purchased a small bottle of Kent's Essential Elements to try to keep my chemistry at a MINIMUM atleast, but once i install fresh carbon in my filters, or a reactor down the line, will it absorb the Kent? or furthermore any 2part dosing i plan on adding in the future?? i do have a "refillable media cartride" for the penguin which is pretty nice, can i pack GFO in there along with carbon? or maybe if different compartments? (it has 5 or 6 width-wide areas to fill media) im trying to do as much filtering as i can without having all this equipment hangin out the tank and my tank is on an open steel-rod stand so anything below will be visible.
also my lighting is a Wave-Point 36" 156Watt 4bulb fixture. (bulbs: Blue Wave, Super Blue Wave, Coral Wave and Coral Sun"
all input is greatly accepted


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by shane784 http:///t/393656/newbie-needing-help-pics#post_3502773
ok, so a 2nd powerhead and an upgrade to a larger filter... CHECK... based on my bioload; would this decrease the buildup of algae alltogether?? also another question: i purchased a small bottle of Kent's Essential Elements to try to keep my chemistry at a MINIMUM atleast, but once i install fresh carbon in my filters, or a reactor down the line, will it absorb the Kent? or furthermore any 2part dosing i plan on adding in the future?? i do have a "refillable media cartride" for the penguin which is pretty nice, can i pack GFO in there along with carbon? or maybe if different compartments? (it has 5 or 6 width-wide areas to fill media) im trying to do as much filtering as i can without having all this equipment hangin out the tank and my tank is on an open steel-rod stand so anything below will be visible.
also my lighting is a Wave-Point 36" 156Watt 4bulb fixture. (bulbs: Blue Wave, Super Blue Wave, Coral Wave and Coral Sun"
all input is greatly accepted

Never dose ANYTHING in the tank unless you have used the lab type test kits and they tell you that something is off and you need to dose for THAT one thing, don't use an all in one product....take it back to the store and get rid of it.
The only way to not have a bunch of equipment hanging off the tank is to go with a sump filter system. You can place whatever media you want, but put it into a ladies nylon stocking and tie it off. That's cheaper then the mesh bags, and nothing goes through it to go messing up the tank with floating stuff, knee highs are the best. I can use one twice, by tying off and filling the left over with more media or some other type of filter material.