Newbie needs some advice


I have a 29 gal. tank with a DSB and 32 lbs of LR. All of the measured parameters are within spec. Tank has been running for almost a month. Should I get a breed of clownfish (don't want a damsel) to help cycle the tank first? or get the cleanup crew first?
Also, if you get the clownfish before the cleanup crew, and you keep the lights on a reg. cycle, how do you contain the resulting algae explosion.
Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
I hate damsels!!!I to used clowns to help cycle my tank with no problems.Though a clean up crew,in my eyes is a must. New tanks will produce alot of algea. It drove me nuts. I was constantly stirring the top of my sand and scrubbing my rock. Then wised up and got a clean up crew.
When you say all perameters are in spec.What are they???And how long is leaving your lights on reg???I personally never had my lights on during the cycle, and then only had them on for about 10 hours a day after that.
A clean up crew is about the only way to keep a build up under control unless you do it yourself.


Active Member
i prefer not to use any fish for cycling, although it is difficult to be patient at yuor stage, the best thing you can do is to wait until the cycle is complete before you add any fish, if you did not yet experience teh ammonia spike, add a piece or 2 of grocerie shrimp, teh dead shrimp will kick start your cycle and is much safer for the fish in the long run
i used a clean up crew too, but wait until the tank is cone cycling for them too
what type of filter are you using and waht type of substrate are you using on hte bottom of your tank??
and i also agree, what exactly are your parameters, within tolerance can mean many things to alot of people, especially newcomers to the hobby


I'll have to give you the exact numbers tomorrow.
But Ammonia and Nitrites are 0...I had my spike and it has cycled through. Nitrates are very close to 0. PH is around 8.2. Water temp is at 78-80.
I have not had my lights on since a store owner suggested not to until I get the cleanup crew in. I was getting the algae explosion as soon as the lights were on (first couple of days.) I have two 55 watt HO Flourescents. (one is a 50/50)
I have a 4 inch Argonite DSB, Prizm skimmer, a bio-wheel O/B filter (which everyone has said is a nitrate factory) and two internal powerheads.
Thanks again for your help.
Diving is so much easier, but if you can't get to the reef, bring the reef to you.


From what it looks like you've already cycled the tank. If the amon and nitrs are 0 then it's cycled. It's time to put in the clean up crew.


Active Member
well, in that case, do a small water change (if you haven't already), and go ahead and ge a cleanup crew, and my reccommendation would also be to get a detrivore kit(if you want one) now, and and algae blenny(he'll help with the algae too and won't bother your crew at all, if you want an algaevor), (oh, a 29, the blenny is up to you, the snails if you have enough will help with your algae), but clowns should be ok, or almost anything else since you have cycled you don't need the damsels