newbie needs some advice


hello everyone. brand new to this site and to saltwater. i have just started a 120 gallon tank. just fired up today, so i have a long way to go. i am willing to go slow and do this right. what type of "test kit" do you recommend, and where do i get one. i am reading everything i can get my hands on, and reading alot on this site. thanks to everyone for this site. oh, one last question. i am running a sump with an external pump. pump is kind of noisey. is this normal. i bought most of my equipment used. the pump is a gen-x pcx 40. thanks again.


Active Member
pump try the mag-7. test kit should test for ph, nitrite, nitrate, alk, calcium, phosphate and ammonia. make sure ur tank is cycle w lots of live rocks. hv inverts to clean up algae and left over food. this is the basic stuff i am telling u.