newbie, please help


My uncured live rock and live sand have been in the tank for 5 days now.
Yesterday, I did a 10G water change.
How do these numbers look and what if anything should I do?
PH 7.96
Ammonia 1.0
Salinity 1.024
Alkalinity 8.0
Phosphate 0
Nitrite 1.5
Any suggestions would be helpful


Active Member
You do not want to do any water changes while your tank is cycling it will just prolong it, right now is just the sit and wait period. It is tough but will be worth it in the end. The only levels you need to worry about right now are Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate, after they all drop to normal levels then you can start adjusting the others.


Active Member
Be patient. You are going through your biological cycle right now, and soon enough your tank will be ready to be stocked. I would forego the water changes until your cycle has completed. I would also recommend against the use of the skimmer during the cycle (if you happen to be using it). These measures will allow for your cycle to safely complete itself quicker.


Yes, I have been using a protein skimmer. Am I correct that you are suggesting that I shut down the skimmer and not worry about the PH?
Thanks in advance


Active Member
Right now you just want to give the bacteria a chance to establish itself, and the skimmer would be detrimental to that goal. Just monitor the ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates for now. Once you have determined from the readings that the cycle is complete, go ahead and adjust the other levels, including pH. Your pH will probably read low while there is ammonia present, as low pH is caused by ammonia.


With the live rock, should I continue to run the lights 10 hours per day. I also have two small emerald crabs.


Active Member
I wouldn't turn my lights on for very long if at all during the cycle, algae growth is very common and it will be worse if your lights are on.