Newbie Q



I am new at this saltwater thing. Acquired a 220 which came with a lunar wrasse, niger trigger and a damsel, all large. I've learned the lunar wrasse is an aggressive fish. So here's the question:
Are tanks with aggressive fish destined to be FOWLR or is there a way to mix in corals, inverts and all the other stuff that is so much more interesting than just fish (i.e.- bio-diversity)?


You can probably get away with some corals but you would have to check that the fish you have are reefsafe. The inverts would probably just become a meal though.


Take them to your LFS. Put what ya want in the tank. I hope you set up a Q tank. GL



I'd say the niger trigger is just as agressive if not more than the lunare. Especially as the niger gets bigger, it becomes more and more agressive. The damsel is no pushover either. It's obvious the person who had this tank meant it to be an agressive FOWLR. You can get by with some coral. I've had success with different mushrooms in my FOWLR. Also good are the chocolate chip stars. Snails and hermits will get eaten eventually and you'll have to replace them.
I agree with Grue. If you don't want an agressive FOWLR, just take the fish to your LFS and put whatever you like in the tank.


Maybe I ought to start adding a bunch of babies of the sport fish variety I go offshore fishing for .... barracuda, mackeral, cobia, grouper, black sea bass, snapper, grunts, etc... It probably would not be too difficult to catch them and keep them alive. It would certainly be fun....and the fish would be free (except for cost of operating the boat)!
I suppose that could be interesting, but it wouldn't be very colorful, nor would it be very balanced.
What do owners of aggresive tanks do for a clean up crew?


Large hermit crabs, although you have to replace the dead/eaten ones every few months. But after a while they get good at hiding during the day and come out only at night. My serpent star has been alive with all the triggers for about 6+ months. Also have 2 chocolate chip stars, even though I wouldn't consider them a clean up crew.


Active Member
You don't need a clean up crew in a fowlr. I keep a couple of stars and hermit crabs in mine, but thats more for show then any worry about cuc. Lunars and Nigers are both highly aggressive fish at adult size and should only be kept with equally aggressive fish. You could try some corals, but I'm afraid your Nitrates will be difficult to contain at an acceptable level for corals with big predators. I think its a bad idea to bring in fish you catch like that as many of those fish grow to sizes way too big for a home aquarium.


Well thank you folks. You helped me make a decision, which is that I do not want a FOWLR with aggressive fish. I am a scuba diver and an offshore fisherman. I see lots of aggression while trolling, but it's all the colors and incredible diversity of life on the reef that really fascinates me.
So, I hope my LFS will trade fish with me.
What are the fish worth?
a 6" lunar wrasse.
a 5" niger trigger?
a 4" mostly black (or very dark blue) damsel with a dorsal white spot and some bright blue, almost flourescent, lines?

el guapo

Active Member
You do realize that on a tank that size your talking thousands of dollars in equipment to set it up as a reef right ?

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by vince-1961
Well thank you folks. You helped me make a decision, which is that I do not want a FOWLR with aggressive fish. I am a scuba diver and an offshore fisherman. I see lots of aggression while trolling, but it's all the colors and incredible diversity of life on the reef that really fascinates me.
So, I hope my LFS will trade fish with me.
What are the fish worth?
a 6" lunar wrasse.
a 5" niger trigger?
a 4" mostly black (or very dark blue) damsel with a dorsal white spot and some bright blue, almost fluorescent, lines?
Its tough to say . The worth of fish varies from store to store ,Let alone state to state .
I would suggest keeping what you have for now and concentrate on learning the basics of the hobby while maintaining a FOWLR , Then move on to reef .


Check prices for those fish and that'll give you an idea. Most LFS will give you a lot less in trade though, unless you know someone there.


Yes, I do realize the cost. Probably got about $3k into so far. Lights, more plumbing parts and concepts than I ever knew existed, new closed loop system being built (I got a thread on this one in newbie section), CAreactor that arrived broken and had to be returned, homemade LR with about a month to go curing in freshwater, untested DIY chiller, RO Unit, test kits, containers to hold water, electrical parts, additives, 320 gallons worth of salt, DIY float switch and top off, protien skimmer, acryllic sheets for 2 re-do's of sump, acryllic rods, ..... Oh yes, Do I ever realize the cost! not just money, but time too.
It's fun, so the time and $ is well spent.
I think I've mastered the basics. Let's face it. It's not that difficult. Just the usual cause and effect, plus a wee bit of high school chemistry, which is to say that everyting is always multiplied by 1 and must end up equalling 1 (i.e.- balance). Two months of reading later..... well, maybe not "mastered", so let's just say I have no major "oops" to report!
As for value of fish trading with LFS, the LFS is there to make a profit. I got no problem with that, but I won't just give them to LFS for free.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Its tough to say . The worth of fish varies from store to store ,Let alone state to state .
I would suggest keeping what you have for now and concentrate on learning the basics of the hobby while maintaining a FOWLR , Then move on to reef .
sound advice from an unstable man


I sold the lunar wrasse and the niger triggerfish to a young man who I happened to meet at the LFS for $50 total. Catching that wrasse was hard!
I see one of the 2 emerald crabs I put in not long ago has only 1 claw. Haven't seen the other one recently. Both brittle starfish are absent.
Reckon I'd better re-stock on my clean up crew. The wrasse and the trigger ate them!
Since they are gone, lots of life has come out from hiding places. I like this better.


Active Member
brittle stars are good hiders, have looked for them with a flashlight after the tank lights are off and the room is dark? I put one in my 220 about a year ago, and didn't see it for about 3 months, then I turned on the lights one night, and the star was out looking for food, it's a monster now, but I rarely see it.


I found one of them, but his legs are a lot shorter than they used to be.