Newbie Question #1


New Member
Hey guys,
I'm new to the boards and say hello. i have been watching the boards for a few months but have waited til i bought my tank to join, and today is the day

I was surfing through the live rock available to buy on this site, and saw it was an awesome deal, and just wanted to know what kind of luck people from the forum have had with it.
I know i will have more questions later, but this is the one that has been making me go hmmmmm......
Thanks guys,
I'll be sitting at work......


Active Member
i know ppl have had good experiences with rock from here, its supposedly full of coraline and other goodies... WELCOME TO THE BOARDS!!!! try to get some pics of your tank, maybe try setting up a tank diary


New Member
I will when it gets up and running, wasn't ready for the main purchase but had a deal for pretty much everything i need for $500, was going to get camera then tank but ya know..... stuff happens :)


Active Member
with lr the only time you will here about bad is if they just drop it in the tank WITH ANYTHING ALIVE IN THERE, on the other hand if there is nothing alive in the tank cycle your tank and cure your lr all at the same time, you might want to take the time to add eggcrate now then lr then ls as this will save trouble down the road...tobin


I have heard eggcrate mentioned several times on the boards - can you clarify what is meant by this term? I can think of several possibilities!


Active Member
welcome to the boards.
I know earlybird (another member) ordered LR from here, there was some box damage, and arrival time confusion, but I guess the LR turned out to be great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sooz
I have heard eggcrate mentioned several times on the boards - can you clarify what is meant by this term? I can think of several possibilities!
basic plastic lighting grid in about 1/2 in. squares that help usuallt seen in the office lighting system just the covers for the lights i hope that was thorough enough...tobin


New Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
welcome to the boards.
I know earlybird (another member) ordered LR from here, there was some box damage, and arrival time confusion, but I guess the LR turned out to be great.
I guess since nothing was heard.... it'd be good to so let look under the couch for some money


Originally Posted by seasalt101
basic plastic lighting grid in about 1/2 in. squares that help usuallt seen in the office lighting system just the covers for the lights i hope that was thorough enough...tobin
OH! Got it. Actually that is what is on top of my tank (front 1/3) instead of glass. Keeps tank from getting too hot, my fish guy says. Just didn't know it was called eggcrate. Thx!


does it really?
might have to get some for my freshwater tanks upstairs... the a/c vent in that room doesnt work so in the middle of summer it gets pretty hot and the lights push it past 85-87 degrees. running fans and topping off with cold constantly. every little bit helps.
BTW haha. the live rock from this website is great. ill definalely be ordering it again. cheaper than my LFS too.


My box was completely broke and wet, although I'm sure it wasn't like that when it was shipped. Also much of the rock was in crumbles, the box must've been dropped at least once so I ended up getting the rest I needed at ***** for $6.99 a pound but I figured at least I can choose my pieces and they won't be broke. They rock I did get that was decent was beautiful though and for what was damaged I probably didn't really lose any money anyway considering what I ended up paying in the end. Hope this helps...


Active Member
Originally Posted by plyitloud4me
Thank you and yes it does help and as soon as i sell my car speakers i'm on my way to play the waiting game

My parents live in VA Beach. Are there good fish shops there? How are therir prices?


New Member
Prices are what they are, in the sense that I haven't purchased anything yet still in researching and planning. I mean somethings seem reasonable while others ya know... but just remember i have nothing to base them off of, however i do know someone who runs a place out of his garage
***********out of respect to SWF please do not post links to other sites. 1Journeyman.

plan to stop b next week and see what he has etc.