newbie question on cycling


New Member
Need your advice..
I have a 55gl tank which i got given to me. Purchased filter,200w heater set at 76 degrees, maxi-jet, light hood.
Filled it up Saturday with crushed coral, water and salt. I finally reached correct Salenity level yesterday. Everything has been running since Saturday (filter, heater, lights).
What should I do i leave it running for another couple of days or is it okay to introduce a fish to start the cycle and get my Nitrate level to zero. ? and what should I introduce first ??
i have yet to get any test equipment to test ph levels..etc..any ideas on what to get ?
thanks for any feedback

sinner's girl

What I would do is add a piece of shrimp from the store. (dead, raw)
you need the tank to cycle, it won't do this unless there is waste in there, (you could also add uncured live rock or fish food).
you could add a damsel to cycle it. But I (and others) don't agree this is the best way. 1. the fish may die, 2. you may not want damsels in your tank and they are a punk to catch, 3, there are ways just as effective (affective?).
So, add something to cycle it, give it some time, buy a test kit and test your water (or take a sample to your lfs if they test for free-it's we did everyweek till it was cycled then we bought a kit.)
once it's done cycling slowly and carefully add fish.
While it's cycling you could be thinking of what fish/inverts you want to put in the tank. You can find out which fish will fit and how many can live peacefuly and healthy
good luck and welcome.


cycle your tank with an uncooked shrimp that u get from the super market. throw in 1-3 peices and that will start ur cycle. or you can buy some LR. cured or uncured it dont really matter since ur cycling.. do not add any fish till ur cycle is done, for the test kits. for now all you need is ammonia , nitrite , nitrate.


New Member
Hello...thanks for the reply. Again this is all new to me...I thought in order to start the Cycle process you HAVE to put a fish in there. I was told this is how the cycle process begins.
So a piece of shrimp from the store. (dead, raw) would start the process then ?
Great idea about testing the water at my lfs...i shall do that tomorrow.
Thanks again

sinner's girl

Yes, the shrimp, or uncured lr will start the cycle. You do not need fish, you just need something that will break down into waste and start the process.
There is no point in testing the water yet. Nothing is in the tank, all levels will be (should be) zero.
Cycling tends to stress fish, and some do not live through it (some do). imo, why stress or kill a fish if there is another way to get the same results.
btw, a word of caution. Do not always believe what your lfs tells you. esp, if they are trying to sell you something. Most lfs will tell you that you need fish so they can sell you the fish. When in doubt about anything ask, ask, ask or read, read, read.
killyah~it never hurts to have more than one opinion (even if it's the same answer).