Newbie question regarding filtration


New Member
Hello all,
I'm about ready to start purchasing the equipment I need to get started and am looking to get some advice before I buy.
Can anyone recommend a good hang on filter for a 125 gallon tank? Or is there some other I should be looking at? The tank is not drilled and I really didn't have plans of doing so. The LFS is trying to push me into a magnum 350 which seems a bit underrated for the tank according to the box. I'm looking at purchasing a Redsea Berlin turbo protein skimmer or something sililar, a few powerheads (the LFS told me I should go with 4?) and will be adding 125lbs-150lbs of liverock as well.
If anyone can help quide me in my quest it would be greatly appreciated.


The AquaC Remora Pro with Mag-Drive 3 might be a good choice, it's rated for aquariums above 75gal if your looking for a great skimmer and is only about $20 more then the Turbo. The rated tank size on the Turbos is up to 250 gallons or the XL at 400gallons.
The Magnum 350 pro is only rated for aquariums up to a 100 gallons. Fluva 404 is also only good for up to 100 gallons. Same thing with the Eheim 2026 and 2126.
I believe most people with that size tank go with a 55 gallon sump/refuge.


New Member
It all depends!! what is it going to be? reef or FOWLR? hang on back or pre box on back? well anyway heres a couple!
1 CPR bak-pak Dual pak
2 tidepool w/prebox


150 pounds of live rock and a good protein skimmer like the one arkey.d mentioned and you will have no need for a mechanical filter.
As far as power heads...
You tank is 125 gallons. Just add up the gallons per hour turnover rate (listed on the box) of the powerheads. A good start, reguardless of which kinda tank you end up with (reef or FOWLR) you will want an accumulated 1875 GPH (gallons per hour). The Maxi jet 900 are the best overall size, wattage, GPH turnover. They put out 230 gph each so you would need 8 of them, or you can put in one or two more powerful ones to cut down on the number of PH's. Hagen makes one that puts out 400 gph and another thats 935. I guess ow I'm rambling... but that's a starting point. And you can save a lot buy purchasing on line!!


New Member
I'm planning on doing a FOWLR tank. I'll start looking online for some equipment. I've been to and a few others. Does anyone have any good links to online stores?
Thanks for all the help and info from everyone to get me started.


New Member

Originally posted by arkey.d
We can't post those kinds of links on this site, but I can tell you via email: Email Me

I didn't realize about the link to other sites thing, sorry about that. I'll email you in a bit.