Newbie question...weird film on water


Hi everybody!
I just set up my tank and started it cycling just this past weekend. One of the power heads that we put in didn't work so I exchanged it today and put it in right away. After I got it running I noticed there was a lot of white-ish, kinda slimy film on the top of my water that continues to swirl around, but doesn't seem to be moving itself towards the filter. I have my shrimp in there along with 40 pounds of sand, 20 pounds of live sand, 7 pounds of live "rubble", and 2 large base rocks (so far...more live rock to come...) Does anyone know what this film is and do I need to try and get rid of it at this point? Like I said it's clear to white, grainy looking, and a viscous to the touch.
Beth ***)


the only way to get rid of it is with a protein skimmer.... until you get one it will only get worse, especially once your bio load increases. i came home from work one day and thought there was something wrong with my lights.........pond scum was the problem. 3 days after my skimmer was up and running it was gone. good luck

sinner's girl

skimmer...or better water movement, aim ph to break up the water at the top.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
skimmer...or better water movement, aim ph to break up the water at the top.


Ok, thanks! I was hoping to hold off getting a skimmer for a while....but I guess I'm going to get one sooner than I thought!!
Beth ***)