Newbie question


New Member
I had an accident and broke one of my cannister filters. MY question is do I really need it? I have a 72 gallon bow front with 100 lbs live rock, aqua c remora skimmer, eheim 2226 with rowaphos as the only media, seio 620, maxi jet 1200, no name 450 gph powerhead, and uv sterilizer cut into the return line of the eheim. The cannister filter I broke was run with no media and I used it only to move the water and keep it circulating. Currently PH 8.0 Nitrates 0 Phos 0.2
What does everyone think??


Active Member
You should be fine without it. Do you know what your total tank's turnover rate is? I would monitor your water parameters to be sure you do not start having problems...


if it was only used to add flow, dont worry about it. It seems that you have enough flow without it and if you feel you need more, just buy a cheap powerhead to make up the difference.
how much flow do you have total would you guess without it?