Newbie sump/refugium questions...


Active Member
I am going to purchase a large (at least 125 gallons) tank with built in overflows and a stand...
I have never had a tank set up with a sump or refugium...
Here are some of my questions:
1. What should I use to let the water first drain into the sump/fuge which will be within the stand? There's a large hole pre-drilled in the base of the tank and stand...what kind of tube should I use to let the water empty from the overflow to the sump? Do I have to use a pump to push the water from the overflow to the sump below, or do I use gravity?
2. I want to keep my skimmer, filter, and heater in the sump. Should I use something to separate the portions of the sump/fuge used for equipment from the part with a sandbed and macros? What do you suggest?
3. What is the best equipment for returning the water from the sump/fuge to the main tank? Are there seperate things that I have to purchase aside from the pump? Should the water return to the tank inside or outside of the overflow portion?
Sorry if these questions seem stupid! :confused: :help: :confused: I'm just lost as to how to set up a large reef with the sump and refugium!:notsure:


you can use flexible hose or pvc for your drains and returns, a good pump to use would be a mag drive, and if the sump refuge is in one tank then yes divide the compartments.


I think they are good questions, I am just starting a fuge/ sump also. I have had a SW tank for about 2+ years, am going to 120 reefready and need sump/fuge!


i have been studying this matter for some time and appreciate the confusion. the DIY thread will tell you to build your own from an existing tank and to add baffles, pumps, headers, etc. i am NOT that handy so have been investigating combo units (sump/refuge/skimmer). there are three manufacturers i have found: Catalina, CPR AquaFuge Pro and Envirosomething or other. CPR has a good reputation but is costly. Ditto for Enviro, which is even more costly. Catalina is the most reasonable in price and easily found on the net under that name. One member of this thread gave his system very high marks. Hope this helps.
btw you s. target 20-30% ratio between sump capacity and display tank, remembering you need to leave some space in the sump to catch the backflow from tubes in case of power failure. this will limit the options for combo units on a tank your size.


another system to look at is Hurricane filters Storm 90- refugium if you dont want to build your own.


does anybody know if a rio 2500 pump is good for a 20g sump or should i get something different ?