Newbie tips


Hello all~
I have been reading many of the posts here over the last couple of weeks and I think this is the place to be for anything saltwater. Everyone here seems so willing to help and it's great.
I ams ure these questions have been asked and answered many times, but I figure this would be a good way for everyone to share what they ahve in their home. I, so like many others, am making the trek from freshwater to saltwater. I have been spending a lot of time reading everything from saltwater fish for dummies, to the consciensous marine aquarist ( i know it's not spelled right). I've also tried to get little bits of information from you guys on the board.
Here is my question. I am looking at getting a 125 gal FOWLR tank going and I'd like to know what you would reccomend to supply the whole thing with. The only things I am planning on putting in right now would maybe be a clown, tang, and angel, maybe another damsel. I am not too picky. I just would like a good starting base from you pros. Any and all tips/hints would be great as I'd like to try this thing right.
Thanks for all your great help so far.
PS. Does anyone know any good stores around Iowa?


wouldnt recommend a tang or an angel as a starting fish. I have been keeping SW for about 3 years now and i still cant keep an angel alive. The tangs and angel need a mature system. I am also against gettin a damsel. They are crazy and superfast and you will want them out sooner or later because they are so agressive. If you have any rock in there with them then you might as well forget about catching them. Clowns are cool tho


Jason, I know that it may be a little far to drive but in Burlington,Iowa is a great tropical fish store. Here is the name & #. Dan's tropical fish and pet supply, and the number there is (319) 752-6211. Hope this might help you out. By the way they handle both fresh & saltwater.


Ok so the fish might need some work. Thanks for the input. Any ideas on where to start for supplies?


I definitly would not add a damsel. A yellow tail damsel gave me hell when I tried to remove him from the tank. He terorized everyone in the tank. When he would not leave my clown alone, he had to go. Another recommendation is to add as much LR as you can afford. Oh and dont get a prizm skimmer. Just my .02.
Welcome to saltwater.


Do a search about the fish. Damsels, for instance, cause problems in some tanks and no problems at all in others. Search this board, the web, ect...... I have a domino damsel, a yellow damsel, a zebra damsel, and a yellowtail damsel, and they cause no problems with anyone else in my tank. As with everything in this hobby, ask around, and remember, there are very, very few "never"s or "always"'s when it comes to saltwater tanks, except, of course, the obvious stuff, like don't put a tang in you tank the day after you set it up....LOL. Good luck!