newbie to aggressive fish


New Member
hey guys i was just curious to see if you guys can help me out here ive always wanted an aggressive tank but dont know so much if you guys can give me some pointers on what fish to start with and whats some of the corals that can be placed in an aggersive tank???? plzzz and thank youu :)


New Member
LOL no prob whenever you have time :) im just now looking up some stuff so when you do ill have questions :)) lol


What you need to do is look at some fish, and see what you REALLY like, then try to design your setup with them in mind.
For instance, with most tangs and angels, and some triggers, you want longer footprints, but lionfish do better in wider setups. Other fish do better in taller setups.
Personally, I'm a lion/scorp collector (at least I must be, cuz I have a dozen tanks full of them!)...
OR maybe you have a tank size in mind or already have a tank, which will also help tell us what to recommend...


New Member
yes fer sure i want lion/scorp but im kinda stuck on the tank size. i dont know if a 55 gal is enough for two dwarf lionfish?? is it?
btw do you know any websites that sell tanks cuz i cant build one to save my life lol i have in mind a 55 gal tank im not sure the measurements tho i was gonna buy it from petsmart lol


A std. 55 gal is 48" x 13" x 21", which is a good size for dwarf lions. If you keep multiple fish, you need to make sure they're different species or a M-F pair or M-F-F trio of the fuzzy dwarf (Dendrochirus brachypterus) or the Green/Hawai'ian lionfish (D. barberi). These are the only two species that is sexually dimorphic/dichromic. I highly recommend "D. fuzzy", esp. if you've never kept a lionfish.
If you haven't read them, you should give these articles a read:
You should also "Google" Frank Marini Lionfish and read his excellent lionfish care sheet and consider getting his book Lionfishes and Other Scorpionfishes
(Amazon has it new for < $10 and the Kindle edition is < $8).
As far as where to get a tank, check out Craig's list or ebay as lots of folks have been forced out of the hobby due to the poor economy. If you're patient, you can find a great deal for pennies on the dollar.


New Member
Thank you so much you have been very helpful! :) the site has alot of info.

and so i can get a M Green/Hawai'ian lionfish and a F fuzzy would that be a good match or they have to be the same species? lol im kinda confused
or should i just get two fuzzys to start with?


I've kept D. barberi and D. brachypterus together in a std. 60 gal, and yes, if you can find a M of one and a F of the other, that is the best. The best bet would be to get the fish simultaneously, but if not, I'd add the barberi first as they aren't quite as outgoing as the fuzzy.
The Hawai'ian is a great little fish, but are a bit harder to find because they are a bit more subdued in coloration, except for their eyes, which are an intense bright red as adults. Fuzzies, OTOH, are just plain great little lions and come in several "flavors" (color morphs). We just picked up a pretty little yellow morph (we also have a red morph and a kinda "maroonish" morph).
Here's a pic of a juvie fuzzy (left) and a juvie barberi in their grow-out tank:


New Member
yoooo! there soooo cute!!! :D and yea now im looking to see where i can get them lol im gonna get two fuzzys cuz i cant find the barberi anywhere.