Newbie to all things Saltwater


New Member
I recently bought a 12 gallon aquapod tank from a friend of mine, and I have no clue how to even go about starting a saltwater tank in it...I would like to have some live rock/anemone and live sand, but anything aside from that I don't even know how to begin. I tried to read some of the stuff in the new hobbyists thread but it's so overwhelming I dunno what to even do!!
Can someone steer me in the right direction??


Being new I would stay away from anemones. They require water and flow to be perfect. If it was me I would put 9 lbs of live rock in to start. and 12-14 lbs of live sand. The reason for 9 lbs of LR is that when you get Coral they usally come attached to LR pieces. I hope this helps and this is my opion only Good luck in this wonderful hobby.


New Member
Originally Posted by iggyframe1
Being new I would stay away from anemones. They require water and flow to be perfect. If it was me I would put 9 lbs of live rock in to start. and 12-14 lbs of live sand. The reason for 9 lbs of LR is that when you get Coral they usally come attached to LR pieces. I hope this helps and this is my opion only Good luck in this wonderful hobby.
Okay, thanks for the tips!!


Active Member
did the tank come with a heater and thermometer? Have you determined a place to put it yet? Make sure it is on a stand or other surface that can handle 100+ pounds, is away from a window and direct sunlight.
Also get ready to wait once you get the rock, water and sand in. Don't add any livestock for a minimum of two weeks probably.
I tend to use Karib Sea live sand; and it has worked great with setting up my tanks.
Start thinking about types of fish/combos of coral and inverts your interested in and start researching and asking advice on here before you purchase.
For a 12 gallon you will probably be looking at about 3 small fish max eventually, a shrimp or two and maybe a crab. Lots of possibilities though :)
Have fun and welcome to the hobby


New Member
Awesome, thanks!! No, it did not come with a heater or a thermometer, what would you suggest as a good brand?

small triggers

Active Member
stealth heaters are fairly good, personally i like the digital thermometers that you can put the probe in the tank and attach the screen on the side outside the tank, coralife makes a decent one..